"Massive time alteration of perception..." ~ Michael Donovan
"Your book is the most advanced piece of work on the planet." ~ Ed Rodriguez
“St.Clair's magical work and existence is like the North Star. He is a guide and can lead you to your fullest potential – be it financial success, love, or peace – while steering you away from your darkest fears. The world is full of darkness and light... let this book show you your way to the light.”
~ Kelly Leary, M.S. (Granddaughter of Sir William Hill)
“Just wanted to thank you for making the sleeping seeds of light in me reawake through your writings...”
~ Eriksson Albin
“I have just recently returned from Russia where I was invited to speak at an international conference on nuclear physics. Anyway, when I came back I started thinking about you, and the predictions you made: that George Bush would win the election and that the ultimate theory of the universe would be discovered. It appears that you are exactly right.”
~ Russel Moon, “Proving The Vortex Theory”
“St.Clair's predictive skills could save a government its intelligence service budget. His knowledge of astrology is astounding. He has been correct in his predictions on more occasions than I care to remember. His book’s prophecies are haunting and should be on every world leader's desk. We would be well advised to listen to St.Clair.”
~ Brad Robinson, President of The Millennium Group
“If Dane Rudhyar was The astrologer of the 20th century, then St.Clair is The astrologer of the 21st century.”
~ Linn Ciesla
“St.Clair has combined his psychic recall, his command and knowledge of the history of our world, and his precise astrological calculations to bring you profound insights into the future of humanity. This work drives the force of futuristic thought and calls us to look deeper into our role in Earth’s destiny. St.Clair’s gifts are Prophetic as he was born with Mars in Gemini by ‘Arachne’ by the Ancients.”
~ Rev. Aphrodette North, PhD
“I would like to comment on your latest book… as well as your other writings: They have enabled me to keep my sanity. Thank you for confirming what many of us know in our hearts is true. Keep up your good work and we will do all we can to support your efforts from our end.”
~ Rod Palmer
"Your book is the most advanced piece of work on the planet. Not only did it resonate, it felt LIVING, very, very ALIVE, like the Beloved Cosmos You so eloquently and passionately write about! The most powerful aspect conveyed is humanity's eventual resurrection from that of a down trodden and oft interfered with species, to that which echoes the architecture of a soon to be Awakening of a Celebrated Spirit-Mind Fusion within the Hu'm'n (Human) as an aspect and part of, One! More to follow as I continue to vibrate at this new frequency."
~ Edward Rodriguez
“I wanted to tell you what a deep impression this book made on me. For years, I’ve been reading all kind of religious, metaphysical or philosophical works, not in a very orderly way but it is all there, the basic knowledge. Now everything I wanted to know I have in just one book. What I liked the most is the underlying feeling of compassion & empathy for all things human & the desire to give active help for understanding the changing times ahead. Thank you for moments of undiluted intellectual & spiritual bliss. Sos lo mas!”
~ Marta Pont
Click on smiling Buddha
An Amazing Journey of Inner-Space, June 20, 2007
By Roger Dovre "A Spiritual Warrior"
(Grand Forks, ND United States)
This book isn't for average minds, this book isn't for above-average minds; however, this book is for extra-ordinary minds; the peaceful and spiritual warriors of planet Earth and humanity's sake! It is for the ones whom are beginning to awaken to the fact(s) that we've been lied to by multiple and various PTB's in order to control and manipulate everyone for their own service-to-self agendas.
Over the past several years, I've read and studied everything I could in regards to: The coming Earth changes, spirituality, meta-physics, religion, philosophy, psychology, conspiracy theories, extraterrestrials and suppressed technologies. In "Zen of Stars," Mr. St. Clair puts it together with amazing beauty, clarity and honesty.
Mr. St.Clair not only demonstrates, exposes, explains and shows how occult spiritual warfare is being waged against humans, which has been ongoing for thousands of years; he also provides the reader with a system and solution to protecting oneself against these occult, psychic and spiritual attacks.
I truly believe and feel life and reality is about to dramatically unravel before our very own eyes: The earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, rising water levels, economic collapse, more and expanded wars and etc. are just around the corner. Are you prepared or preparing for these events? "Zen of Stars" is not only about physical preparedness; but also, and more so, about emotional and spiritual preparedness as planet Earth begins to shift into the 4th dimension reality:
Quintessentially, this book is a road-map and compass to help humanity navigate through the rough storms and times which are shortly ahead for all of us.
Over the past several years, I've read and studied everything I could in regards to: The coming Earth changes, spirituality, meta-physics, religion, philosophy, psychology, conspiracy theories, extraterrestrials and suppressed technologies. In "Zen of Stars," Mr. St. Clair puts it together with amazing beauty, clarity and honesty.
Mr. St.Clair not only demonstrates, exposes, explains and shows how occult spiritual warfare is being waged against humans, which has been ongoing for thousands of years; he also provides the reader with a system and solution to protecting oneself against these occult, psychic and spiritual attacks.
I truly believe and feel life and reality is about to dramatically unravel before our very own eyes: The earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, rising water levels, economic collapse, more and expanded wars and etc. are just around the corner. Are you prepared or preparing for these events? "Zen of Stars" is not only about physical preparedness; but also, and more so, about emotional and spiritual preparedness as planet Earth begins to shift into the 4th dimension reality:
Quintessentially, this book is a road-map and compass to help humanity navigate through the rough storms and times which are shortly ahead for all of us.

David Byrne wrote about the book Zen of Stars:
"Michael St.Clair has done something very special with this publication. For he has gone places that few if any could go. As Cosmologist, Astrophysicist, Historian of the ancient world, Shaman, Researcher, Political Observer, and all of the other qualities and Learnedness that becomes him, has been brought to bare in this work.
St.Clair deals with topics that go beyond the drama projection of that which is portrayed as life. He does this in a fearless way, while dealing with difficult subjects.
He writes on the history of a time before, what we have been given as history, and speaks to the spirituality of our beingness, our origins, aliens, religionists, the luminous ones beyond the creation, and the creation itself.
The cosmologist in him looks to the stars, here he finds links to the present and future. As mundane Astrologer he sights and links the past.
There is a seamless thread that flows through the whole of this writing. It is a filament substanceless, yet more real than physical matter. It is a connection of oneness that permeates the energy field, and brings order, harmony and balance from out of the disturbed energy of chaos. Only the few who be in such place can project this.
St.Clair has linked so much in the life that is and that which is beyond. That so, so much that is fragmented in human awareness can be brought together. Can be seen and understood on the one page, the page of ones life. He does this with no projection of fear, the reader does not have to go into fear as NONE is projected.
A Pure Intelligence is at work in this writing.
So for those who want to taste, learn, and understand why this world is the way it is, where it is going, of the dramatic changes to come. What choices there are for the enormous potential that is you, then this is a must read.
As St.Clair states, " If we can predict the future, we can change it "
St.Clair deals with topics that go beyond the drama projection of that which is portrayed as life. He does this in a fearless way, while dealing with difficult subjects.
He writes on the history of a time before, what we have been given as history, and speaks to the spirituality of our beingness, our origins, aliens, religionists, the luminous ones beyond the creation, and the creation itself.
The cosmologist in him looks to the stars, here he finds links to the present and future. As mundane Astrologer he sights and links the past.
There is a seamless thread that flows through the whole of this writing. It is a filament substanceless, yet more real than physical matter. It is a connection of oneness that permeates the energy field, and brings order, harmony and balance from out of the disturbed energy of chaos. Only the few who be in such place can project this.
St.Clair has linked so much in the life that is and that which is beyond. That so, so much that is fragmented in human awareness can be brought together. Can be seen and understood on the one page, the page of ones life. He does this with no projection of fear, the reader does not have to go into fear as NONE is projected.
A Pure Intelligence is at work in this writing.
So for those who want to taste, learn, and understand why this world is the way it is, where it is going, of the dramatic changes to come. What choices there are for the enormous potential that is you, then this is a must read.
As St.Clair states, " If we can predict the future, we can change it "
Highly Recommended."
David Byrne - Tasmania