Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Guidance From The Future

The Future belongs to him who knows how to wait.

In his new book - F O R E S E E N- St.Clair picks up where Kubrick’s 2001 - A Space Odyssey left off. Disclosure reveals human governments are not in control of planet earth.

By 2080 these concepts will be understood by societies intent on achieving convergence with their innermost self. He shows how our future selves are the guidance of the future, communicating with mankind across the bridge of time.

YOU can read a book for entertainment, or you can study a book that changes your life. With FORESEEN you will do both.

F O R E S E E N gives essential astrological information about the core navigator codex, activated through conscious awareness, allowing the spirit to time travel the paths of its own existence. The spiritual sciences were lost as individuals forfeited their ability to understand the guidance of their own design.

The Codex is embedded within the light encoded DNA, resonating to create the future. St.Clair connects the mysteries of Atlantis with the extra-terrestrial origins of mankind, and predicts that it is our destiny to return to the stars. He frees humanity, one soul at a time.

With FORESEEN published, Michael St.Clair stands to win the Nobel Prize for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. The outstanding book convinces readers with its precision-guided prophecy.

Readers around the world are connecting to this work by The Master of The Light via spontaneous awakening. - FORESEEN is essentially a reality time travel mystery, an entertaining ET thriller based on our future interactions with off-world cultures.

FORESEEN - published by NewMind Technologies - the global consulting group created for this purpose, is circulating now. It is not necessary - but recommended - to know Zen of Stars when seeing this presentation.

There are a total of over fifty essay-chapters in Zen of Stars - five of which are contained in this blog. They represent the core trends. While it takes relevant time and energy to ponder their meaning, it is a most beneficial process - designed to expand your higher consciousness.

Here is the ultimate work explaining meta issues & mega trends, as well as how safe places will function over the next generations. Friends who read Zen of Stars, ask St.Clair questions about its sequel FORESEEN, to which both this introduction - "Surfing The Impossible" - and this blog answer.

Zen of Stars is very well received. The Spanish version is done. French, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, and more, are in preparation - thanks to readers who volonteer their professional services while applying NewMind Technology. A new video with St.Clair is forthcoming soon.

Spanish: El Zen de Las Estrellas released.
ATLANTIS ORACLE HandBook is available.

This intense blog highlights transformative events facing safe place earth. It shows how best to prepare and adapt inside yourself. In essence it suggests to make First Soul Contact - which is a good point to start your journey here . . .

"The Future belongs to him who knows how to wait." - gives you a much anticipated update. Enjoy it!

Read about: The Star Children

NEW: Passage One One ForeCast ForeSeen

This blog is filled with very unusual resource links to the right, making FORESEEN - the blog version - a veritable anthology of astrology and star science. You will find for instance the Ephemeris by Khaldea, with thousands of years worth of alignments, and all fixed stars here, as well as a list of the 360 Sabian Symbols

KRISHNAMURTI - His famous UN speech on World Peace

A R G O N A U T - by St.Clair is the special news service for followers of the labyrinthine web site group developed around Passage11.com where more indepth studies and resources are stored for future research reference.

Rising sea level is primarily a concern for sensitive, low-lying coastal areas. Sea-level-rise

New: "Ashes & Snow" -"MY MEMOIRS - by St.Clair"

Visit regularly! Expanding into the future - NewMindTech Videos - presenting components "The Modern Tao" or "The Cave" and the essays of "World Under Siege". To the right, St.Clair features many resources he recommends you study. His three major trend outlooks are shown in a première here:

The four decades ahead - An analysis by St.Clair
World Outlook 2050 and 12 MegaTrend Longterm Horoscopes

Short term outlook four years: 2008-2011 HOROSCOPES

NEW - Of interest now: Updated readers reviews & opinions



St.Clair's Services Summary - in answer to readers - click:
Coaching, AstroCharts, Advice. Meeting St.Clair in person...


November 11, 2007 – Ahead of us lies a new reality. In his latest supra-natural thriller, FORESEEN – Beyond Time, astrologer Michael St.Clair introduces for the first time a true extra-terrestrial message from the future, looking back into our world through his seer eyes of tomorrow. This compelling book gives hope, while delivering mind-altering, precision-guided, and prophetic prediction techniques.

Michael St.Clair picks up where Stanley Kubrick’s Space Odyssey left off. Once a decade an intriguing, paradigm shifting book emerges: FORESEEN, a high impact success, underground bestseller and future classic. Extremely useful for generations to come, destroying fear-based myths and “2012-Y2K-9/11” type deceptions, this visionary work frees mankind, one soul at a time. It shows how we guide ourselves, from our own future.

In the sequel to Zen of Stars, St.Clair speaks to the soul, not to the mind. Readers connect with his writing via spontaneous awareness, awakening to the liberating truth within. This book, a time travel living technology, is what the world needs now. It captures in simple terms the psychic core issues facing us and suggests the trail-blazing solutions we are left with in a world under siege.

The sane future is open source and hands on innovation, created and shared by people, for people, to express and develop their creative talents, without the ruling elite exploiting them via mass mind control. St.Clair foresees communities of light, developing networked solutions, using local resources. Imagination and guided power to dream take the mind beyond the grey zone of commerce, and into an existence worth living.

In FORESEEN St.Clair states: “The technology of the future is the human mind.”

He reveals long lost secrets of the Atlantean Knights Templars. Their simplicity and adaptability made them the functional enemy of the hierarchy. He writes Cosmic laws in light-encoded words into the unfolding story, in an entertaining and enlightening way. Light-hearted at times, FORESEEN makes even dark subjects – such as alien-resourced technology exchange and artificial intelligence – a spell-binding experience.

Readers develop skills to imagine subtle dimensions of time travel and true extra-terrestrial contact. St.Clair does not give all the answers, because looking back from the future, he knows we are the answer, where each one must find his own way of understanding the mysteries of life. Travelling into our future, revealing a strategic overview of many incarnations woven together to create a timeless tapestry of life, the soul is the weaver, and our incarnations are the threads of the fabric in which we clothe our spirit.

St.Clair connects mysteries of Atlantis with extra-terrestrial origins of mankind, and predicts that it is our destiny to return to the stars. This life-changing and mind-altering book opens new perspectives on the role of extra-terrestrial intelligence, by the world’s leading political astrologer St.Clair, is released by NewMind Technologies.

Order your copy - Click cover here:

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kipriyanovich Boris


Click his photo to see this genius speak on video ´
As filmed in Moscow by Bill Ryan & Kerry Cassidy

Boris Kipriyanovich is an Indigo Child, probably the most famous in Russia. Boriska, or 'little Boris', was featured in Pravda at Project Camelot , after Gennady Belimov, a university professor in the Volgograd region of Russia, witnessed Boriska, then aged just seven, astound an adult audience during a camping trip in which he held them spellbound for an hour and a half as he recounted tales of past lives on Mars and Lemuria, and warned of catastrophes due to affect the Earth in 2009 and 2013.

Belimov had the presence of mind to record Boriska's monologue, and within a short time word was spreading within Russia about what this diminutive prophet had to say, especially once the story was picked by Moscow's premier newspaper.

Word gradually filtered to the west - where we first heard about him in our interview with Michael St.Clair in September 2006 - via a Pravda article that made it on to the internet. Meanwhile, there had been a short piece about him in Nexus Magazine which had stirred up a huge amount of interest.

On the trail of our documentary project on 2012, Project Camelot decided to travel to Russia to find Boriska and capture his testimony on camera. It seems we were the first westerners to have made the journey. On 8 October, we were privileged to interview him with his mother, Nadya, near Moscow where Nadya had brought him to attend a special school for gifted children. They live in a small one-roomed apartment. The father is absent.
-- Bill Ryan

We headed to pick up Boriska and his mother from Moscow... with the traffic it took over an hour. When we finally rolled up outside the high rise older apartment building where Boriska is staying they were nowhere in sight. We spent a few minutes in the parking lot when we noticed a gangly youngster peeking around the corners of the building at us... and ducking away when he saw me looking.

He wore a backwards red baseball cap and an impish expression I could see even at a distance. After a moment I realized this must indeed be Boriska... and when his mother appeared she waved us over to meet him. He had run behind the partition and was apparently experiencing a bout of shyness... I quickly went around the corner and stuck my hand out with a smile... telling him in English everything would be ok. He took my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew we would be friends.

Later, during the interview, Boriska exhibited all the signs of a young boy becoming a teenager, reluctant to express more than was absolutely necessary... waving away the details as things he spoke about in his youth, now his mind was on other things. This life had taken a firm hold and no more did his eyes shine with the memories of his past life on Mars or even Lemuria.

In spite of this, his charm and impish personality shone through as he patiently waded through our pragmatic adult questions. His eyes roamed and his imagination searched for more stimulation than provided by this small room with little furniture, crammed with adults and cameras... He squirmed to escape to his video game where he played an Avatar, part cat and part superman... scaling walls and outwitting enemies at every turn.

He was bored with us!! But earnest and polite to a fault.. unusual for a boy of 11. He spoke about the wars that caused the end of the Martian civilization, how they tried to turn Jupiter into a 2nd sun... with what purpose is unclear. He was surprised in the most humble way, to learn that his professor friend, Vladislav Lugovenko, remembered well an incident where Boris tapped into a dangerous event that happened on his way home in the subway. When he arrived home, Boris asked him about the thugs who had approached and threatened him... when the professor had said nothing. "You are a telepath", I told him. "Not yet"... he modestly replied... with a small smile, wise beyond his years, careful and delicate.

When asked what he thought of the humans on this planet he sighed quietly then said he "did not like to speak bad about people".

The understatement said it all. What must he really be seeing through those wonderfully clear eyes? This is not so much an interview as an exploration of the place and time that this 11 year old boy finds himself in, with some surprise. He talks of the future waters coming to inundate Moscow, in 2009, matter-of-factly... Will he survive? Will his mother? He shrugs... survival is not so important, he seems to be saying. Life is what matters. Living in the moment... fully and completely awake.. this is what matters when you are an eternal being. -- Kerry Lynn Cassidy

Click HERE
http://projectcamelot.org/indigo_boy_from_mars.html for Gennady Belimov's marvelous article 'Indigo Boy from Mars', in English for the first time.

Click HERE
for Boriska's astrological chart, prepared by St.Clair.
Click here for Dr Vladislav Lugovenko's article 'The Breathing of the Earth'.


St.Clair predicted his emergence in his time travel books ZEN OF STARS - 2006 - and FORESEEN in 2007, published 24 hours before Kerry Cassidy interviewed Boris. . . .

Sun Capricorn 20°15'
Moon Virgo 19°23'
Mercury Aquarius 05°00'
Venus Aquarius 25°10'
Mars Aquarius 02°10'
Jupiter Capricorn 01°46'
Saturn Pisces 20°09'
Uranus Capricorn 29°56'
Neptune Capricorn 25°03'
Pluto Sagittarius 02°16'
True Node Libra 21°38'

Ascendant Aquarius 00°36'
Mid Heaven Scorpio 29°58'

What is of importance and interest is the simultaneously occurring passage of URANUS onto his birth Saturn and transit SATURN onto his Virgo MOON, while PLUTO will move over his birth Jupiter. That alone guarantees that this boy will go for the trans-personal approach, as outer planets move from Capricorn to Pisces until 2011, and beyond.

He will make shock waves now this year and next as Saturn and Uranus build up into this millennial opposition. Just exactly as I said in ZEN OF STARS, he is the lead character of the special children I describe in the book. All these kids are born with the Capricorn Uranus-Neptune conjunction and Pluto in SAGITTARIUS.

Now Boriska has also Pluto on the Midheaven, which as is, symbolizes a powerful destiny, and he has a - very rare - constellation of Mercury, Mars and Uranus conjunct on his Aquarius Ascendant, at Aquarius One, known in Sabian symbol as "An Old Jesuit Adobe Mission in California." This certainly represents the time traveler Boris, a genius and inventive spirit, and is making this transpersonal birth chart is very own, which adds serious weight to it all. The degree symbol signifies simply that an ancient teacher culture (Jesuits) meets an advanced civilization (zen) on native soil - California.

You can see clearly in the birth picture of planets a massive pile up in Capricorn and in Aquarius right on his rising. The old rule is that what rises happens... and so much is happening on this rising. Essentially - except the moon in Virgo - all planets are within 90 degrees.

Uranus, Mars and Mercury conjunct at birth in early Aquarius makes him a potentially extremely feisty negotiator for the impossible, a genius no doubt with total recall of his retrograde Mercury of birth. This is the combination signature of a visionary.

North Node Arm of The Future in Libra under fixed star Spica. That is St.Clair junior version. Boriska Jupiter is 2 Capricorn. He will potentially be able to lead a large organization one day. Pluto is reaching that degree point practically now this year 2008 and stays there until 2010.

Like St.Clair he has Saturn in sixty degrees to Sun by birth, that is like the sun burst missile combination, but in reversed signs, Boriska sun in Capricorn, close to Uranus and Neptune, totally and shockingly psychic, and Saturn in Pisces, sustaining the planets in the sign it rules.

Now Uranus is passing the birth Pisces Saturn. This means he will not put up with nonsense in school. It really is St.Clair revisited, looks like me 37 years ago, and Jupiter passing over his sun will now bring him into the lime light at age 12 as a potential new teacher of transpersonal realities.

More interesting is the long passage of Pluto over his birth Jupiter, and this is indicative of him completely changing his views on many things, and potentially transforming existing structural belief systems, which is what he is about to do when he will really say what he remembers. The world is shown a new reality when he begins to express himself.

His Virgo moon is indicative of a boy who will work with precision and can be fault finding. You can see that when he tells his women that he would paint the cosmic diagram in more colors if someone would get him more colors. It is a very subtle way of saying "You cannot even get the basics organized." That is Virgo moon. He likes details, and he can be a stickler.

The serviceable birth moon is in good aspects to the Capricorn cluster so that he and his mother probably work well together, as it is her role for now to further his future. On the other hand one can see clearly that he barely tolerates the stupidity of the people around him. He makes an effort to fit in, which will be difficult with Mars in Aquarius by birth, because that is the placement where Mars goes for the transpersonal and eccentric or unusual approach.

Neptune will pass his Venus of birth in 2009 and 2010, making his inner self and his desires perhaps a tad more insecure looking, but he will get in touch with himself, and it is probable that until 2010 he will have total recall of his previous lives. This time will put him in touch with a mystical side in him, while the scientific linear side of his mind continues to operate in the background. He integrates then several incarnations and might in fact understand the concept of working with his timeless or future self. In a way this is a young Master of The Light as portrayed in ZEN OF STARS and in its sequel FORESEEN. He has the sight or the seeing ability.

If he can be put into a stable situation of safety before the floods he foresees, he will make it to the top of society, and based on the chart one could say that this is almost the next Putin, even smarter than Putin. I doubt though that he will go into traditional politics, he is too smart for that.

He would have extremely advanced intellectual technological aptitudes, a gift for mathematics, could be a chess grand master by age 16 or so, and might for instance develop a new operating system, or even a new computer language altogether. If he can remember the magnetically levitated ships from his past, Russia would within few years be like a hundred years ahead of the rest of the world.

His Venus in Aquarius denotes a boy who likes friendships and networks. I do not think he will get hung up on very personal relationships. That too is far too boring for him. Too predictable. This is someone who is interested only in the big picture and this interest might awaken very soon - now this year, and next - with Pluto coming onto his Jupiter.

Transit Uranus is in opposition to his birth moon now and for one more year, and this makes him very edgy, and moody and unpredictable. He might from one moment to the next decide he wants to do something else, which is what the video clearly shows, and so the best is to keep him busy with many choices of activities, athletics included. This influence raises the need to be an independent, self-sufficient adult early on in life, to relate to others as an equal, even though he may not feel ready. He will be soon the teacher of his own mother. Maybe even somewhat her "boss."

He does also have a pronounced language gift, and would make a brilliant communicator with his Mars-Mercury conjunction, or a great lawyer, or a very fine writer for extremely advanced scientific subjects. He looks at humanity with trans-personal eyes.

This is clearly one the of the special children I predicted years ago would emerge and teach people to become masters of reality. He is himself already a master of reality. He knows that it is not the event that matters, but his perception of the event. During the next two years he will again regain moments of absolutely heightened awareness abilities, and it might be so that a larger responsibility is placed on him very early in life. It is then a matter to set sane boundaries and to enforce them judiciously.

There is tension in the birth chart due to Moon opposition Saturn - the missing father figure - and this same tension shows now in the world mundane chart, due to Uranus opposing Saturn until late in 2009. He therefore almost encapsulates the signs of the times. He is a fiercely independent thinker in need of space and time and of a platform to perform his own mission in his own way. People around him and worldwide would be well advised to listen to him and to do what he politely asks them to do.

The risk in this chart is that he might want to seclude if he sees that people around him are not adequately dealing with him on an equal level. He is not just some child "star." Nor is he neurotic in any way, yet his inherent Uranus-Mars conjunction makes for very erratic moves. But he is not just yet the master of reality he is supposed to be in a short time frame.

There will be very unusual and unforeseen events transpiring within two years in the world scene and in his personal life, some quite disruptive and yet very liberating for him, and when handled appropriately, this might just set him free. He will want new surroundings to work with so that he can become of use. Being of use is the central theme of this chart, with a five-fold Capricorn position, and when applied into the BIG Picture. He is a BIG Picture Thinker who came in with a memory larger than life, and it is up to his entourage to further the total recall of all of his incarnations so he can emerge as a teacher of a new reality.

Most planets are positioned in his first house of birth, on his rising, and what rises happens, and which makes him a natural born leader of men and of ideas.

In a way he and his global electronic emergence in 2008 - Aquarian visionary and humanitarian of nature - together with the Buddha boy in Nepal - fulfills the key prophecy of this astrologer who wrote FORESEEN. The time traveler has arrived to teach the new concept of reality. His primary progressed chart puts his sun at age 12 now squarely into Aquarius, now on his rising, until he reaches age 40.

This will be interesting. Is the world ready to listen to him? Is he willing to share what he knows? He is aware that he is like Canopus in Argos by Doris Lessing, as he agreed to be used by an advanced race to come here into this mess called Earth -- and sort it out from inside.

Welcome to the club.

With four Capricorn and three Aquarius planets at birth, this boy is slated for a giant mission. I find it extremely interesting that the North Node (The Future Destiny) of Boris - 22 Libra - Sabian "A Child Giving Birds A Drink At A Fountain" - is exactly equal my own Midheaven, or mission in my life, and that Boris and I have shared this much together so far already. Perhaps one day Boris will fly the aware space craft with the master of the light onward to an advanced civilization in a friendly galaxy, as predicted in FORESEEN. Wishing him a steady hand, much success and great luck, as he will need it . . . :-)

Michael St.Clair

1 February, 2008

The Obsidian Mirror

"Here is the mirror of Galadriel.
I have brought you here, so that you may look in it, if you will."
"What shall we look for, and what shall we see?"
asked FRODO...

"Many things I can command the mirror to reveal,"
Galadriel answered...

"And to some I can show what they desire to see.
But The MIRROR will also show things unbidden,
and those are often stranger and more profitable
than things which we wish to behold.
What you will see . . .
if you leave the MIRROR free to work, I cannot tell.

For it shows things that were, and things that are,
the things that yet may be.
But which it is that he sees,
even the wisest cannot always tell.

Do you wish to look?"

"Activating the teachings of The Master of The Light is to apply the inner guidance of your own higher self, from the future into this moment of your life now and beyond. You become a time traveller as you step into your very own future, and imagine you are guiding yourself from a life yet to be." - St.Clair

Activate your own Time Travel abilities!
See into the future through your own eyes!

We are the guidance of the future, gently communicating with mankind across the mysterious bridge of time. In FORESEEN - Beyond Time, St.Clair skillfully shows the reader how our future selves are the unseen guides of our own Destiny.

FORESEEN - Beyond Time, takes the reader into a non-linear state of knowing who they are at a much deeper level. The inner knowing is our ability to connect consciously with who we are to be. Within the next 100 years, the concepts in this book will be widely understood by societies intent on achieving convergence with their innermost self.

At the moment mankind is veering - out of control - down the fast flowing rapids of a narrow canyon, in a canoe without a paddle. Individuals in society are aimlessly thrown around by the currents of life with no clue as to their ability to navigate the flow of events surrounding them.

This book gives the reader essential astrological information about the core navigator codex, activated through conscious awareness, allowing the spirit to time travel the paths of its own existence. The spiritual sciences were lost to mankind, as individuals lost the ability to understand the guidance of their own design. The Codex is embedded within the light encoded DNA, resonating to create the future.

St.Clair reveals the convergence of the 13th consciousness, beyond time, illuminating the mind of man and re-establishing the ancient science of the soul. He connects the mysteries of Atlantis with the extra-terrestrial origins of mankind, and predicts that it is our destiny to return to the stars.

Order your new copy now: FORESEEN - Beyond Time


"We are living lives devoid of dreams, and yet our dreams are the real and true power behind the world. Humans no longer know how to use their imagination to make the fading shadows of their dreams come true.

In sharing his life time work with you, the leading visionary and astrologer Michael St.Clair shares his power to dream. A shared dream empowers the whole tribe of man. The source of our dreams comes from the stars; the power to understand comes from the heart.
As I searched for a way to introduce this work by The Master of The Light, I was shown this intense vision:

In my quest I turned and looked to the people of the past. I saw a partly sandy beach where the sea had washed up many shells of different shapes and sizes. I knew I could not look within these shells to find the answers that I sought, because as beautiful as they were, all of them were empty.

The sea had left them upon the shore for people to find. But the real mystery, I was sure, lay within the hidden depths of the waters beyond. I cast my eyes onto the Atlantic Ocean, and there I saw an Eagle, its talons reflecting Scorpion energies of rebirth and light. In its talons the Eagle held a round obsidian mirror, highly polished, eyes looking through a glass darkly.

Beyond its smoky surface the mirror reflected a light between the worlds: The head of a Jaguar, its green eyes shining brightly, whose teeth became the talons of the Eagle - held the obsidian mirror in its open mouth.

This was the mystery I was to behold. The Jaguar Serpent became the Rainbow Serpent in its last and final release of energetic power. The dark mirror of obsidian reflected clearly the smoky release of the human soul.

The energies associated with shamanic power are Vortex energies. The upward spiral of the DNA is a pathway of intertwining strands of light filled with a power which the Mayans long ago knew as the “Rainbow Serpent”.

The bright colours of the Serpent were reflected within the polished mirrors of obsidian used by the Mayans. The face of the Rainbow Serpent appeared before them in the form of a Jaguar. The secret of the Jaguar, black as night, held the mystery of the Rainbow Serpent.

The Rainbow Jaguar was the Scorpion doorway to an essential transformation that allowed the apprentice to walk between the worlds. Death was the sign of profound inner transformation, and was not something to be feared. Those who could fearlessly cross between the worlds became the peaceful warriors of light who guard our world from the dark lords of the nether worlds.

Those who looked on the surface of the mirror would see their face reflected in the depths and beyond – seeing truth.

Scorpio Rising is the power of inner transcendence. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the transformer, and Mars, the warrior. For the ancient Egyptians the soaring eagle symbolized the calm but intense and focused energy of Scorpio. Those born with Scorpio rising and planets in the Scorpio sign are determined, intuitive and highly perceptive people; they are natural clairvoyants and can be gifted councillors and healers.

The sacred serpent associated with Scorpio is grounded in earthly reality, but also penetrates into the higher levels of consciousness, thus imparting cosmic wisdom. Transformation is the underlying theme. The serpent sheds outworn habits, beliefs, and illusions, facilitating the death of that which is unnecessary in order to give rise to something useful, functional, and new.

This process of transformation is the main concern of St.Clair’s work narrated by The Master of The Light in the two spellbinding books – Zen of Stars and its sequel FORESEEN.

St.Clair uses his unique insight into planetary forces to reveal that we are not individuals, as such. This is a shocking realization for most of us.

We are representatives of our own destiny, time travellers riding the interplanetary waves of the Cosmos. We are souls holding a universal discourse with the stars. The language we use is carried back and forth through background harmonic light frequencies; the same light that forms all that is life.

The findings are not always pleasant, as this can become a dialogue of personal misunderstanding and resentment, unless we begin to understand for ourselves why we exist at all, and in doing so take responsibility for our actions and our many lives.

FORESEEN is a reflection of our own selves upon the surface of a highly polished obsidian mirror. If you look further into this dark mirror of the soul there are other worlds beyond this one, whose graduation ceremony is that we understand this world as a perfect reflection of the Spirit. Each one of us wishes for something better. St.Clair goes beyond wishing – to enact his vision directly here on earth in this most troubled of all times.

From the ancient Sumerians, to Egypt and beyond, palantirs or "seeing stones" and crystal mirrors have been used throughout the ages for the purpose of divining or seeing past, present and future.

Nostradamus and St.Clair himself – and who is to say that St.Clair was not in a previous life the doctor from the south of France – used a black obsidian mirror as well as a dish filled with ink to make his famed predictions.

Many others have used obsidian crystal to see the unseen, a practice known to have existed in ancient China as well as in ancient Greece. In Mexico, the Mayan and Aztec god called Tezcatlipoca - "Smoking Mirror" - being a sorcerer, used his mirror to see events unfold, into people's hearts and minds, reading thoughts as well as seeing into the future.

St.Clair is well known to read peoples thoughts – even from afar – while seeing into the middle distance from beyond.

Obsidian, a volcanic dark natural glass formed by the cooling of molten lava – and thus a gift from the earth’s core – was used by Aztec shamans and magicians for healing what they called the "soul loss".

They called obsidian “Iztli” or “Teotetl”, a “divine stone” – an earth matter for divination. Like the Aztecs, some people in parts of Mexico and of South America today still feel that 'soul loss' is a cause of illness. The native cultures around the world knew that only those who had lost their souls would harm the earth, thus creating great sickness on the planet.

St.Clair’s message is that we have within us an ancient soul awareness – to be activated immediately through our own intent. Many people are here on this earth now to awaken this inner power of the soul within their own self. This wake-up call is due in 2013, so predicts the seer St.Clair in his groundbreaking work.

For St.Clair it is an instant awakening. You only have to do it. This is about finding our lost soul again as we come to the end and in some ways to the most dangerous part of our journey through the fourth world.

The message is that we have lost something essential, and if we are to survive we have to discover it again soon. Can we know the past – our true history – really directly, without the illusions we carry? Or are we to stay bound in make believe stories of our ancestry?

The past is the movement of something real, and the thoughts we have about the past are moving away from that reality. If we remain in hiding, running from a deep inner contact with our own souls, we are in the process of creating the reality St.Clair is warning about – which is a future of horror.

However, if we inform ourselves and look into the "secrets" hidden from the mass of human beings living on this planet, St.Clair states that a few of us – he calls them “The Few” – can command our own destiny, rather than give that control to other entities.
Using a natural ability he calls “Psychic Recall”, St.Clair is capable of seeing or connecting with the path of his own possible futures. He suggests that coming in from a life time yet to be lived those of us who perceive the negative outcome can change the future before it happens in this life now. Too often we carelessly make moves in our lives without thinking of the consequences.
When it is too late to change the outcome we are left with needless sorrows, regrets and the burden of repair, if repair is even possible. We seem to live continuously in the past, like victims cast around by the forces of "fate". But few of us realize that we are the drivers of those forces, only harvesting the consequences of our own actions. How many lives were wasted by ignoring this truth?

The future can warn us of the dangers, and guide us to change before we take the worst possible road to destruction. It is of vital importance that many people rediscover this natural time travel ability and use it to steer mankind away from the rocks and into peaceful waters.

"The key to changing our world lies in an essential revolution to take place within the human mind, in each human mind that is. The new brain is now activating world-wide simultaneously. It is a mind beyond thought - it realizes that thinkers and thoughts are one, and that action without thought is based on the knowing that time is thought."

St.Clair warns us that this is the major reason why the world’s secret government is activating a network of electromagnetic interference known as controlled disorder, or "mind control" and social engineering - which is more realistically speaking a population mood suppressant. The frequency of these electromagnetic waves inhibits the brains’ ability to be seeing or psychic.

As we approach 2012... And later 2026, with Saturn and Neptune aligned on the cusp of Pisces-Aries, our minds are about to develop an acute and psychic super awareness, one which St.Clair terms "The 13th Consciousness".

He has seen that the twelve ages or astrological aeons are different types of awareness’s that come in cycles of about 26,000 years... and that only the 13th consciousness is ultimately the one key point of entry - timeless - through which the knowing from beyond time reaches us, which will lead a few wiser ones outside the cycle . . . and hopefully towards a new essence.

This knowing is extra-terrestrial by design in the sense that it comes from the stars - via highly advanced carriers of wisdom who encoded it genetically into a higher form of intelligence over a bridge of timelessness. This higher intelligence hides among us here in planet earth in 2009.´

The Master of The Light declares:
The 13th Consciousness is Beyond The Web of Life
“Build a human being who can work with the force.”

Out of fear, and steeped in a desire to maintain "control" of human populations, the secret government -- which in turn is obeying an alien force presence of a lesser intelligence form here on earth in fear of this ancient knowing -- wants to stop this development, because it certainly will put them out of control when people awaken and realize what has been done over the past few hundred years.

We have the inner capacity to be highly evolved beings of light and by definition we are designed via our DNA to be time travellers, each and every one of us, yet we are living as if we are the beggars of this solar system, without a future, when in reality we are cosmic masters; but, soon all that is about to change.

Obsidian – sharp as it is – was used by ancient shamans as a spiritual tool to sharpen their inner and outer vision, revealing flaws so they can be corrected. It also protects the psyche, and dispels negativity from within and without. St.Clair uses this sharpness in his time travel tale FORESEEN, to expose the false and to uncover the truth behind the lies. If people do not see through the deception, they may possibly walk into a disaster too terrible to be described in words. In this sense, this book is surreal.

In dreams and visions St.Clair has seen the "best and the worst possible" future, and his message is that in becoming aware of the danger we instantly take action and avoid it.

SEEING IS ITS OWN ACTION - so the axiom coined by the sage astrologer. No sane human being would sail a boat full of people onto the rocks for everyone to drown, but you have to become aware first that the rocks are there. Only then will you steer your boat away from them and into safety. The problem with planet earth as a boat is that the rocks are hidden in shallow waters.

The work by St.Clair is an eloquently formulated and carefully crafted warning to all who read it, wherein the dangers are very real, albeit hidden, that we are coming close to the rocks below the opaque surface of the waters of falsified history, and that we can change course now to avoid the worst from happening. In this sense, St.Clair is The Obsidian Mirror.

Due to his prophetic gifts, many are deeply afraid of St.Clair, although they begin their encounters as his “friends”. His message to everyone is to live beyond fear. His "No Fear Zone" emanates from within; and its light is essential to bring about change. His added message to his "friends" is to look inside the mirror of their soul. If you are afraid you can be controlled. If you can be controlled you can be driven onto the rocks of despair, where hidden forces plan to control your future – as well as the future of your children.

Rather than being manipulated by these forces, it is time to wake up and take control of your own life, by acting as a sovereign being – and not as an ignorant slave of the unseen masters of deception. St.Clair maintains that the Divine does exist, and that as mankind was born from the Divine it cannot be controlled.

However, only when man finds true, or distant, compassion will man be the master of his own destiny. This then is the challenge facing us in the months ahead. The issues presented in this sequel to Zen of Stars may shock or surprise some, but very soon these things will be known and discussed openly, with anger even when people find out how they have been deceived. So you are among the first to read the truth.

St.Clair chose to narrate FORESEEN in the form of an inter-dimensional voyage; while he lives in safety as this is published underground for a few only to see in select circles. Soon, it will be shown to the public, when the astrological timing is correct, and the readers are ready for the message from beyond the portal of time itself.

Over the years many have run away from Michael St.Clair and his obsidian mirror – sadly mistaking the highly transformative energies around his magical presence for the individual man, instead of recognizing them for what they are – the searing truth.

Krishnamurti – the Indian teacher of the world who experienced similar interactions – stated during one of his famous talks in Switzerland:
"You wish to run away and hide, but where will you run to?
The self is where you are. You cannot escape it."

Copyright 2007 by St.Clair, NewMind Technologies

Click the book cover of FORESEEN ...

जेन ऑफ़ स्टार्स शोवेद पार्ट वन ऑफ़ थे फुतुरेस ऑफ़ प्लेनेट एअर्थ।
फोरेसीं - आउट ब्य थे एंड ऑफ़ २००८, विल देलिनेते पार्ट तवो। थे अलिग्न्मेंट्स।

जेन ऑफ़ स्टार्स शोवेद पार्ट वन ऑफ़ थे फुतुरेस ऑफ़ प्लेनेट एअर्थ।
फोरेसीं - आउट ब्य थे एंड ऑफ़ २००८, विल देलिनेते पार्ट तवो। थे अलिग्न्मेंट्स।