Tuesday, December 12, 2006

First Soul Contact

The Master of The Light - in keeping with his ability to enter into any time zone of choice - fast-forwarded the time lord into 2048 - forty years from when you read this. He entered the castle walls via the rainbow bridge and looked at the situation in 2008 when Pluto had entered structural Capricorn:

In 2048, PLuto opposes Uranus in the same axis it did in the year 5 BC. The Master of The Light reminded the time lord of what 5 BC meant in the bigger picture of the aeon (age) rotation. This exact alignment - from Pisces 9 to Virgo 9 - is in effect once every 2,000 years, if that. It is discussed in "Zen of Stars" where we look beyond the stars...

Now, imagine that 2,000 years ago or so, while Pluto in Pisces was opposed by Uranus in Virgo, a few timeless and guided wise ones in Aramea -- call them sages & seers if you like -- were holding very interesting "talks", kind of like Krishnamurti (known as "The K") was doing during the last century in India, England, Switzerland, and California. But the original or ancient talks we are talking about here were held in what is now known as "The Middle East".

"The K" gave talks that could be taped both on audio and video, and he drew a crowd of unwanted "disciples", ranging from flower power movie and rock stars to future politicians and leaders, some of who became seers and sages in their own right - but that is another story; plus he wrote his own "talks" into his own books, had them published on his own, so we have an advantage in this century to read, hear and see the original words, and what he meant them to mean to say...

"The J" - that is the guy who was known as Jesus or Immanuek - gave talks we have no video of. But now imagine that 2,000 years ago some people who could write were actually recording the "talks" of the sages while they spoke of highly unusual things such as the stars and cosmology, ETs and the invisible worlds. They scribbled the "talks" onto parchments and scrolls. But maybe they only wrote down what they heard after the talks were given, with a failing memory, or "system error." Well yes, and eventually the memory got lost altogether.

Then later even the writings themselves were lost, or made to disappear, or whatever. Then much later you know the rest of the story... the "talks" re-appear in altered fashion, and now we call these talks "The Bible." Now new talks of old talks resurface, we call them now "gospels" or better even "codices", plural for Codex. Now we have with Pluto in the galactic center the ultimate revelation of ancient wisdom: The Judas Codex -- a collection of "Gnostic Files" from beyond the space-time continuum. Meanwhile... what does it mean?

Here is the future or a high tech analogy:

"Error 110101011 --
Belief System Failure"


The interesting thing about the Judas Gospel (and by extension all these other Gnostic re-discoveries) hoopla - which is officially a Codex - it is not a Gospel, ok, is that Judas was not part of that system of obfuscation and dis-info - which is going on now as everyone discusses what it means. He was not part of the psy-op known as "religion."

This here - well - is part of a transliteration of Zen of Stars and of what is going on here now: The hiding of the true - or the real - teachings of the sages, whether they came from India, Tibet, or The Middle East makes no difference - and what it really means. Which is what he (they) - (Jesus & Judas) - say/s to the 12 disciples:

"Why do you hide?"

The sage knew that his disciples had no clue who or what he really was since he had come to them from beyond the space time continuum. From a psychic review Ta-Lor woke to consider that these masters of reality were teaching not only that we came from the stars, but that the many forces flying around were ETs, some of who were of the spiritually advanced kind from the future.

All those who understood the original teaching were overthrown through violence; and their cultures and their knowledge bases were destroyed. There was a basic truth that some group did not want passed from generation to generation. And it continues to this day until the lie collapses.

The sages in Aramea said:

"The illusion is over. This is the end. Wake up!"

That was 2,000 years ago, as the age of Pisces dawned. In association with that phenomenon, the dracos, reptilians (and others) began to rewire the hard drive inter-face of the human being as a whole race. They followed up messing around the DNA with a fear-based mass mind control project, to make sure that their configuration did not return to its original form of free human being. The error they created is actually what we now know as "the ego."

You can imagine that your soul, which exists as a dynamic non-physical quantum field - interfaces with your physical form in a similar way you interface with your computer OS operating system. The creator of all that is sets up the XXP system within the DNA - and later the reptilians come along and hack into the system; which is kind of what happened. Here we are now 2,000 years later. We are approaching yet again the famous Pluto-Uranus alignment of 2,000 years ago. By 2048 we are within reach of the light code.

A new aeon dawns, as the Pisces age of belief becomes the Aquarius age of knowing, with the water bearer pouring knowledge of Cosmos over this realm. This is a living medicine sign over the twelve astrological ages, known in the timeless Codex as "aeons"...

You are a little kid and at each stage of your astrological development - and until late in life - your soul is clicking on files, opening them up, working on them. You are akin to an internet connection into the real world, allowing the soul to communicate and interact with reality.

This is what "ID-2025" - FORESEEN online - is perhaps all about. See below what Database ID-2025 is introducing to the internet, at the very bottom . . .

Someone -- however -- wants to disrupt that communication and so they spread a virus, they hack into the operating system. Which makes it real hard for you to use and develop the network you were given at sovereign birth. One way of showing how this affects us (the ego) came to me - was really told to me.

I get up and I switch on the computer and click open a file on the desktop. But the operating system has been hacked into and changed. It has been reconfigured so as not to do what I command. I click to open the file, "First Contact."

But the file does not open - seems gone - because my XP operating system (OS) has got an egotistic identity of its own, created by the hacker program of the believers anti-soul systems. I click on the file and instead of the file opening, another box opens and asks:

"What are you doing?"

So I click again. "What are you doing?"
I am opening the "First Contact" File.

"Why are you opening this file?" Because...
I want to upload a new report onto the server. MY SERVER.

Error 11011010011 * File cannot be found.
Please contact Micro-Belief-Soft Support.-

So, I try again.

Error 1110011010
- system failure

Blue - then blank - screen

Computer crashes . . . will not turn on again.

You follow me? Brain crash. Belief system failure. Melt-down.
A new reality is now envisioned, co-created, as the mind takes flight...

There are many ways to imagine how a damaged operating system (OS) will sabotage your efforts to work through the computer. The corrupted OS is "ego" - me - I - self importance - fear, time, THOUGHT. The thought creates the thinker, remember the Krishnamurti principle? Thought and thinker are ONE.

Ok. What the reptilians did is this:

They introduced a fear virus, or a fear based Trojan into the OS, in order to counter-act the commands of the soul, which means you answer back, rather than carry out the required upgrade as part of your own soul development. As you grow through childhood, at appropriate points, the soul clicks on files that will expand and enhance your development, and to carry out the necessary tasks.

Reading a certain codex from the future, or a soul-expanding and mind-altering book -- Zen of Stars -- is such a "life file of enhancement" . . .

Living in nature is a "file of enhancement", as is planting and eating the right food, healing and protecting the earth, developing new ways to interact with the environment, humanly and energetically engineered economy while moving between the worlds... and so on. But due to the ego, which is time- and fear-based, when the soul-enhancing files get clicked open, thought says: "What's this? What is going on? I am afraid. I don't want this. I can't deal with it. Let me trash it."

The problem you recognize here is this: People run thoughts through their brain machine. Non-stop all the time. Until thoughts run amok, wild, go off on tangents, and take over the whole brain. This reminds me of HAL-9000 in Kubrick and his Space-Odyssey. The human brain disconnects from the human machine.

When that is the case, one must STOP & press PAUSE. Where are these thoughts coming from? Do you see a pattern? Observe! A force field from outside, not of your own making, takes over and sends you thoughts. That is when you want to sit still. Create silence in the mind. Zen of Stars suggests ways by which to achieve this tranquillity - also known as "peace of mind."

All that reaction and reacting behavior comes from thought, which is time- and fear-based, made of ego, interfering with the original OS and this type of interference divides our existence on earth from the first soul contact. All religions, political and scientific systems take the human earth child and they bombard the OS with fear-based Trojans and viruses. They are there to activate the damaged hard drive and to suppress or destroy the original system.

Basically, the human race has been hijacked. This is indeed where things stand now. However, there is good news, but you must be still to see it: Connection to First Source or God is possible from within. However not via the "manuals" known as "scriptures." New directional dimensions and guidance from another continuum are demanded and ordered in.

Remember this: Intelligent Cosmos responds to directives, not to questions. So, Ta-Lor opened the super computer no one had ever operated before, and entered the required commands, using very ancient Tai Chi and Tao Te Ching techniques.

The sign appeared:

In comes "First Contact" // "Database ID-2025" known as:
The "Codex From The Future" & we start all-over again . . .

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

World Under Siege

Why & How Survival IS An Issue ?

(Photo of icepans in safe place Newfoundland by Lisa Day)

Very soon - as the ice around the world melts away - we have to start thinking about how we will survive in the most essential, basic and down to earth physical ways. The book Zen of Stars treats among other things the topics of structuring the logistics of a home, the resources of your shelter, the growing, and storing of safe food, the back-up of power, energy, and of clean water.

The knowledge of experts from Findhorn – in Scotland – presenting the living machine with alternative or renewable energy and water treatment resources is shown. Beyond physical survival is life itself, "spiritual" life, as it were.

Economic Architects Of The Future

Those interested in ecological businesses and integrity banking who are trying to ride the waves of the system must understand that the entire system is about to collapse. Many years of careful investment potentially could be lost overnight. In the light of this fact, a business investment carefully structured to create a better world, will be lost in the general economic and social turmoil. You may feel “safe” in the knowledge that your lifetime’s work is placed with intelligence into a system that badly needs restructuring.

However, the hard fact approaching us in the years leading to 2007–2012, and beyond, is such that the economic social collapse will not discriminate between your resources and the resources of multi-national corporations.

In the future there are no businessmen and women; there are “economic artists” and caring architects who co-operate through a network of pooled resources and integrity type venture capital. The future “business world” is the creative and innovative realm of economic artists and innovators who can understand and work with the new template structuring society.

Economic ‘high priests’ and financial gurus will no longer supervise the organisation and structuring of societies’ resources because they will have been sent packing; instead the intelligent utilization of earth and of human resources is a matter of highly precise architectural planning and investment design.

The “Cosmic Architect” is a very ancient and powerful concept. The sacred geometry of economics has not yet found its way to the surface of the modern human mind. With a return to this shamans’ knowledge base, the science of economic management becomes the playground of the artist, the creator, and the initiator. To create and maintain social order, Cosmic Design must be initiated into the geography of the human landscape.

Beyond astrology, St.Clair addresses the "World Under Siege" in the FORESEEN blog essay - "THE TEST AHEAD" - updated on 7/7/2007 in this external link:

Read it here: "THE TEST AHEAD"

Read also: "TIME-TRAVEL"

And study: "Climate Change: Dis-Info?"

Study the pdf file: Rense - Will You Survive The Coming Crash?


An Amazing Journey of Inner-Space, June 20, 2007

By Roger Dovre "A Spiritual Warrior" (Grand Forks, ND United States)
- See all my reviews (at Amazon.com)

"This book isn't for average minds, this book isn't for above-average minds; however, this book is for extra-ordinary minds; the peaceful and spiritual warriors of planet Earth and humanity's sake! It is for the ones whom are beginning to awaken to the fact(s) that we've been lied to by multiple and various PTB's in order to control and manipulate everyone for their own service-to-self agendas.

Over the past several years, I've read and studied everything I could in regards to: The coming Earth changes, spirituality, meta-physics, religion, philosophy, psychology, conspiracy theories, extraterrestrials and suppressed technologies. In "Zen of Stars," Mr. St.Clair puts it together with amazing beauty, clarity and honesty.

Mr. St.Clair not only demonstrates, exposes, explains and shows how occult spiritual warfare is being waged against humans, which has been ongoing for thousands of years; he also provides the reader with a system and solution to protecting oneself against these occult, psychic and spiritual attacks.

I truly believe and feel life and reality is about to dramatically unravel before our very own eyes: The earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, tornadoes, rising water levels, economic collapse, more and expanded wars and etc. are just around the corner. Are you prepared or preparing for these events?

"Zen of Stars" is not only about physical preparedness; but also, and more so, about emotional and spiritual preparedness as planet Earth begins to shift into the 4th dimension reality: Quintessentially, this book is a road-map and compass to help humanity navigate through the rough storms and times which are shortly ahead for all of us."

David Byrne - external link: Solutions for Sustainable Living

David Byrne wrote about the book Zen of Stars:

"Michael St.Clair has done something very special with this publication. For he has gone places that few if any could go. As Cosmologist, Astrophysicist, Historian of the ancient world, Shaman, Researcher, Political Observer, and all of the other qualities and Learnedness that becomes him, has been brought to bare in this work.

St.Clair deals with topics that go beyond the drama projection of that which is portrayed as life. He does this in a fearless way, while dealing with difficult subjects.

He writes on the history of a time before, what we have been given as history, and speaks to the spirituality of our beingness, our origins, aliens, religionists, the luminous ones beyond the creation, and the creation itself.

The cosmologist in him looks to the stars, here he finds links to the present and future. As mundane Astrologer he sights and links the past.

There is a seamless thread that flows through the whole of this writing. It is a filament substanceless, yet more real than physical matter. It is a connection of oneness that permeates the energy field, and brings order, harmony and balance from out of the disturbed energy of chaos. Only the few who be in such place can project this.

St.Clair has linked so much in the life that is and that which is beyond. That so, so much that is fragmented in human awareness can be brought together. Can be seen and understood on the one page, the page of ones life. He does this with no projection of fear, the reader does not have to go into fear as NONE is projected.

A Pure Intelligence is at work in this writing.

So for those who want to taste, learn, and understand why this world is the way it is, where it is going, of the dramatic changes to come. What choices there are for the enormous potential that is you, then this is a must read.

As St.Clair states, " If we can predict the future, we can change it "

Highly Recommended."

In this external link -- MORE READERS REVIEWS of ZEN OF STARS -- which is constantly updated, as readers around the world share how they EXPERIENCE CHANGE in their lives during and after reading the book ZEN OF STARS . . . we can read how the book is perceived over time. This is an experiment in time perception just as much as it mirrors the progress of seekers seeking the seeking . . .

" F O R E S E E N " - sequel to Zen of Stars - is published.

See a preview by clicking into this window of time:

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Safe Place Projects

(Hidden links in title & pictures)

In keeping with his proposed global network of safe places -- as outlined in Zen Of Stars -- St.Clair spends time between his home in Switzerland & Europe - and other places - advising clients globally where he helps to settle his first multi-dimensional safe places networks for sustainable living around the world. While it is an intense and time-consuming effort while St.Clair travels, he meets with clients to implement strategies that are useful to future sane living.

(Photo of icepans in safe place Newfoundland by Lisa Day)

Seekers and clients meet with him in exceptional retreat type settings of vast beauty - either in power-point type older cities or in an untouched nature - to discuss longterm change of direction. These meetings take place in Europe mainly, or in Newfoundland, or in the highlands of Japan, or also in Tasmania which will be next among the places of retreats.

Here some news from certain spots St.Clair has personally looked into:

Newfoundland & Labrador are in the process of finding a new "moral economy" - a term coined by its current Premier Danny Williams who has declared to the New World Order government in Ottawa that he sees the necessity for Newfoundlanders to be "Masters of Our Own House."

St.Clair salutes this development in the knowing that many Newfoundlanders want their independence and wish to see The Republic of Newfoundland, as he pointed out in his book ZEN OF STARS the importance of an economic place of sustainability to stand in autarch autonomy from government, economy and energy structures which are bound to fail systematically during the coming decade.

"Our primary message to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians today was that we will confidently move forward to strengthen Newfoundland and Labrador’s financial autonomy and strengthen our fiscal capacity to meet our own social and economic obligations,"
said Premier Williams.

"We will achieve this vision for our province by reducing Newfoundland and Labrador’s burden of debt on our children, diversifying our economic base, pursuing a fair fiscal balance between levels of government and reducing our dependence on equalization payments."

The Premier added that the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador has never been more ideally positioned to take control over its own destiny and lay out a path for renewal and economic prosperity.

Here is the full speech. See: "Masters of Our Own House"

Rich with history. Rife with culture.
And sprawling with natural beauty.

All these wonders have been here for thousands of years, embraced by those who happened upon them, since the now extinct Beothuks settled the lands. It’s up to the traveler to enjoy them, to go vigorously in search of people, adventure, of experience. Around every corner, around every bend, you will find a piece of heaven, a delightful sight, a playful breeze that will help your journey of inner and outer development. Click on this picture to see what Newfoundland and Labrador have to offer to the visitor who comes to stay in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Wikipedia on Newfoundland - facts & figures:

Read: "World Under Siege" - by St.Clair

Prospective clients see more:
International Consulting Services - by St.Clair

Please write to St.Clair at: passage11@linuxmail.org
to establish first contact.

David Byrne - external link: Solutions for Sustainable Living

David Byrne wrote about the book Zen of Stars:

"Michael St.Clair has done something very special with this publication. For he has gone places that few if any could go. As Cosmologist, Astrophysicist, Historian of the ancient world, Shaman, Researcher, Political Observer, and all of the other qualities and Learnedness that becomes him, has been brought to bare in this work.

St.Clair deals with topics that go beyond the drama projection of that which is portrayed as life. He does this in a fearless way, while dealing with difficult subjects.

He writes on the history of a time before, what we have been given as history, and speaks to the spirituality of our beingness, our origins, aliens, religionists, the luminous ones beyond the creation, and the creation itself.

The cosmologist in him looks to the stars, here he finds links to the present and future. As mundane Astrologer he sights and links the past.

There is a seamless thread that flows through the whole of this writing. It is a filament substanceless, yet more real than physical matter. It is a connection of oneness that permeates the energy field, and brings order, harmony and balance from out of the disturbed energy of chaos. Only the few who be in such place can project this.

St.Clair has linked so much in the life that is and that which is beyond. That so, so much that is fragmented in human awareness can be brought together. Can be seen and understood on the one page, the page of ones life. He does this with no projection of fear, the reader does not have to go into fear as NONE is projected.

A Pure Intelligence is at work in this writing.

So for those who want to taste, learn, and understand why this world is the way it is, where it is going, of the dramatic changes to come. What choices there are for the enormous potential that is you, then this is a must read.

As St.Clair states, " If we can predict the future, we can change it "

Highly Recommended."

HOME: St.Clair

Sunday, December 3, 2006


Twenty years later,he was proven right.

J. Krishnamurti's talk to The United Nations
where he was presented - at age 90 - with
the United Nations 1984 Peace medal . . .

"I am supposed to talk on World Peace beyond the 40th anniversary of the United Nations.

Mankind, man, has lived on this earth over fifty thousand years, and perhaps much longer, or for less duration. During all this long evolution man has not found peace on earth - 'pacem in terris' has been preached long before Christianity, by the ancient Hindus and the Buddhists.

And during all this time man has lived in conflict, not only conflict with his neighbour but with people of his own community, with his own society, with his own family, he has fought, struggled against man for the last five thousand years, and perhaps more. Historically there have been wars practically every year. And we are still at war.

I believe there are forty wars going on at the present time. And the religious hierarchy, not only the Catholics but the other groups have talked about 'pacem in terris', peace on earth, goodwill among men. It has never come about - to have peace on earth. And they have talked about peace when you die and go to heaven and you have peace there.

One wonders, if one is at all serious, why man kills another human being - in the name of god, in the name of peace, in the name of some ideology, or for his country - whatever that may mean - or for the king and the queen, and all the rest of that business. Probably we all know this: that man has never lived on this earth, which is being slowly destroyed, and why man cannot live at peace with another human being.
Why there are separate nations, which is after all a glorified tribalism. And religions, whether it be Christianity, Hinduism, or Buddhism, they are also at war with each other. Nations are at war, groups are at war, ideologies, whether it is the Russian, or the American, or any other category of ideologies, they are all at war with each other, conflict.

And after living on this earth for so many centuries, why is it man cannot live peacefully on this marvellous earth? This question has been asked over and over again. An organization like this has been formed round that. What is the future of this particular organization? After the 40th year what lies beyond?
Time is a strange factor in life. Time is very important for all of us. And the future is, what is present. The future is now, because the present, which is also the past, modifying itself now, becomes the future. This has been the cycle of time, the path of time. And now, not beyond 40 years of this organization, but now, at the present time if there is no radical change, fundamental mutation, the future is, what is now. And that has been historically proved, and we can prove it in our daily lives.

So the question really is: whether human beings, you and us, sitting on the platform - I am sorry to be sitting up here - are human beings? And as long as we with each other, or with man and woman, are in perpetual conflict there will be no peace on this earth. One may talk about it endlessly. The Roman Catholic hierarchy talks about 'pacem in terris', and they have been also responsible for appalling wars in the past.

A hundred years of war, torture, all kinds of horrible things they have done to man. These are all facts, actualities, not the speaker's wish. And religions, are all facts, actualities, not the speaker's wish. And religions, including Islam, Hindus, Buddhists, and so on, they have had their own kind of war. And the future beyond the 40th anniversary is what is going on now.

One wonders if one realizes that. The present is not only the past, but also contains the future; the past modifying itself constantly through the present and projecting the future. If we don't stop quarrels, struggles, antagonism, hate, now it will be like that tomorrow. And you can stretch out that tomorrow for a thousand years, it will be still tomorrow.

So it behoves us to ask ourselves whether we, as human beings, single or a community, or in a family, whether we can live peacefully with each other? Organizations have not solved this problem. You can reorganize but war still goes on. So organizations, whether it is world organization or a particular kind of organization to bring about peace, such organizations will never succeed because human beings individually, collectively, nationally, are in conflict. Strong nations, like America or Russia, are at war with each other - economically, ideologically, and actually - not bloodshed yet.

So peace cannot possibly exist on this earth if there are nationalities, which, as we said, is glorified tribalism.
Nationalities give certain security, man needs security and he invests in nationalism, or in a particular ideology or belief. Beliefs, ideologies and so on, have separated man. And organizations cannot possibly bring about peace between man and man because he believes in something, he believes in certain ideologies, he believes in god and others don't.

I wonder if one has ever considered, religions based on a book - like the Koran or the Bible - become very bigoted, narrow and fundamentalist. And religions like the Hindu and the Buddhist, they have many, many books, all considered sacred, real, straight from god's mouth! They are not so bigoted, they are tolerant, they absorb.

So there is this conflict going on: those who rely, put their faith in books, and those who do not put their faith in any book. So conflict between the book and those who accept multiple books. I wonder if one is aware of all this.
And we are asking deeply, if you are serious at all, whether you and I, and those of us who are involved in organizations, can live at peace with each other? Peace requires a great deal of intelligence, not just demonstrations against a particular form of war, against a nuclear or atom bomb and so on. Those are the products of minds, brains that are entrenched in nationalism, in some particular form of belief, ideology, so they are supplying armaments - the powerful ones, whether it be Russia, America, or England or France - armaments to the rest of the world, and they also talk about peace, supplying at the same time armaments.

It is a vast cynical world and cynicism can never tolerate affection, care, love. I think we have lost that quality - quality of compassion. Not analyse what is compassion - it can be analysed very easily. You cannot analyse love, love is not within the limits of the brain, because the brain is the instrument of sensation, it is the centre of all reaction and action, and we try to find peace, love, within this limited area. Which means, thought is not love because thought is based on experience, which is limited, and on knowledge, which is always limited, whether now or in the future.

So knowledge is always limited. And having knowledge, which is contained in the brain as memory, from that memory springs thought. This can be observed very simply and easily if one examines oneself, if one looks at one's own activity of thought, experience, knowledge. You don't have to read any book, or become a specialist to understand

So thought is always limited, whether it is now or in the future. And we try to solve all our problems, both technological, religious, and personal, through the activity of thought. Surely thought is not love, love is not sensation or pleasure, it is not the result of desire? It is something entirely different. To come upon that love, which is compassion, which has its own intelligence, one has to understand oneself, what we are - not through analysts, but understanding our own sorrows, our own pleasures, our own beliefs.

You know wherever you go, all over the world, mankind, human beings, suffer, for various reasons, it might be petty or some very, very deep incident which has caused pain, sorrow. And every human being on this earth goes through that on a minor scale or a tremendous incident, as death. And sorrow is shared by all mankind, it is not your sorrow or mine, it is mankind's sorrow, mankind's anxiety, pain, loneliness, despair, aggressiveness. So you, and we, are the rest of humanity, we are not separate human beings psychologically.

You may be a woman, or a man, you may be tall, dark, short and so on, but inwardly, psychologically, which is far more important, we are the rest of mankind. You are the rest of mankind, and so if you kill another, if you are in conflict with another, you are destroying yourself. You can observe this very, very carefully if you look at yourself without any distortion.

So there can only be peace when mankind, when you and I, have no conflict in ourselves. And you might say, "If one achieves, or comes to an end of all conflict within oneself, how will it affect the rest of mankind?" This is a very, very old question. This has been put thousands of years before Christ, if he ever existed. And we have to ask whether in ourselves sorrow, pain and anxiety, and all that, can ever end?

If one applies, looks, observes, with great attention, as you look with considerable attention when you are combing your hair, or shaving, with that quality of attention, heightened, you can observe yourself - all the nuances, subtleties. And the mirror is your relationship between human beings, in that mirror you can see yourself exactly as you are. But most of us are frightened to see what we are, and so we gradually develop resistance, guilt, and all the rest of that business. So we never ask for total freedom - not to do what you like, but to be free from choice.

Where there are multiple choices there are multiple confusions.

So can we live on this earth, 'pacem in terris', with great understanding of mankind, which is to understand yourself so profoundly, not according to some psychologist, analyst. They too have to be analysed. So we can, without turning to the professionals, as simple laymen we can observe our own idiosyncrasies, tendencies.

Our brain - the speaker is not a specialist about brain matter - our brain has been conditioned to war, to hate, to conflict. It is conditioned through this long period of evolution, whether that brain with its cells, which contain all the memories, whether that brain can free itself from its own conditioning.

You know it is very simple to answer such a question.
If you have been going north all the days of your life, as humanity has been going in a particular direction, which is conflict, and somebody comes along and says, "That leads nowhere". He is serious, and perhaps you are serious. Then he says, "Go south, go east, any other direction but that". And when you actually move away from that direction there is a mutation in the very brain cells themselves because you have broken the pattern. And that pattern must be broken now, not forty or a hundred years later.

And can human beings have the vitality, the energy, to transform themselves to civilized human beings, not killing each other?"

After his talk to U.N., Krishnamurti took questions.The whole following exchange between K. and the U.N. is legendary.

Chairman: May we ask questions?

K: Yes, sir, ask any questions. Delighted!

We have time for some questions and Mr Krishnamurti has kindly agreed to answer any questions you may ask. When you ask a question please raise your hand so that the sound will be connected. Thank you.

QUESTION: I am asking a question with regard to wanting a spiritual expression that I feel linked up with. Am I being heard? I don't think so. I feel there is a disconnecting sense that is being communicated to me. I would look forward to a spiritual connection to myself and fellow people in this group that would be an elevating sense. That is what I would look forward to experiencing at this lecture, a more uplifting spiritual sense of oneness, rather than an intellectual expression.

K: First of all, I don't understand the word 'spiritual'. Is it emotional, romantic, ideological, or something vague in the air; or facing actuality, what is going on now, both in ourselves and in the world? Because you are the world, you are not separate from the world. We have created this society, and we are that society. And whatever experiences one has, so-called religious and spiritual, one must doubt those very experiences, one must question, be sceptical. I wonder if you realize that the word 'scepticism', questioning, enquiring, is not advocated in the Christian world. Whereas in Buddhism, and Hinduism, that is one of the essential things, you must question everything, until you discover or come upon that truth, which is not yours, or any others, it is truth.

And this enquiry is not intellectual. Intellect is only a part of the whole human structure. One must look at the world and oneself as an holistic being. And truth is not something to be experienced. If one may point out, who is the experiencer apart from experience? Is not the experiencer part of the experience? Otherwise he wouldn't know what experience he has had. So the experiencer is the experience; the thinker is the thought; the observer, in its psychological sense, is the observed.

There is no difference. And where there is difference, separation, there comes conflict. With the end of conflict there is freedom, and only then truth can come into being. All this is not intellectual, for god's sake. This is something that one lives, and finds out.

QUESTION: You laid a great deal of stress on enquiry and scepticism. I wonder if you could tell me if faith plays a role in that too?

K: What is faith? What do you put your faith in? One has faith in some experience, one has faith in some belief, or in a symbol, and so on. Why does one have faith? Is it out of fear, out of uncertainty, out of a sense of insecurity?

When you have faith, for instance as a Hindu in some symbol, and you hold on to that faith, or to that symbol, then you are at war with the rest of the world. But to enquire gently, hesitantly, questioning, asking yourself, then out of that comes clarity. And there must be clarity to understand that which is eternal.

QUESTION: At the end you said that we need to break the pattern of conflict between man. My question to you is, do you see that as something of an evolutionary process that inevitably will happen? Or do you see it as something that we all have to work very hard to achieve? And there is an expression that goes something like this: in times of darkness the eye begins to see. And why I am throwing this at you because in a sense it is either going to happen, or it is not going to happen, but how do you see it happening?

K: I don't quite understand your question, sir.
Q: All right. You talk about breaking the pattern, man has a pattern, the brain has a pattern, and that pattern has to be broken in order for there to be peace in the world.

K: Of course.
Q: Now do you see the breaking of that pattern being an active movement, or a natural progression in the evolution of man?
K: Sir, have we evolved at all?
Q: I think we are continuously evolving.

K: So you accept evolution - psychological evolution, we are not talking about biological or technical evolution - psychological evolution. After a million years, of fifty thousand years, have we changed deeply? Aren't we very primitive, barbarous? So I am asking if you will consider whether there is psychological evolution at all? I question it.

Personally, to the speaker, there is no psychological evolution: there is only the ending of sorrow, of pain, anxiety, loneliness, despair and all that. Man has lived with it for a million years. And if we rely on time, which is thought - time and thought go together - if we rely on evolution then another thousand years or more, and we will still be barbarous.

Q: My question is: what would have to happen for there to begin to be psychological evolution as the speaker understands it?
K: What about psychological evolution? I don't quite understand the question.

Q: You have said that you do not think there has been psychological evolution. My question is: what can happen so that there will be, so that there can be, psychological evolution.

K: Madam, I am afraid we haven't understood each other. We have lived on this earth from the historical, as well as ancient enquiry, on this earth for fifty thousand years or more or less. And during that long period of evolution psychologically, inwardly, subjectively, we have remained more or less barbarous - hating each other, killing each other. And time is not going to solve that problem, which is evolution. And is it possible, we are asking, for each human being, who is the rest of the world, whether that psychological movement can stop and see something afresh?

Q: I wanted to ask you the same question phrased in a different way: what should we do in order to effect this resistance towards evolution. I just want to say one more thing. There was a Dr Bohm last month, he said the same thing you are saying in a different way, he is a scientist, he was explaining the same problem. I wonder what do you think we could we do right now in order to effect this?

K: I have got it. What could you do right now? Right? Change completely! - both psychologically and outwardly. First the psychological revolution, not evolution, but revolution, change completely. That is the real action of humankind, not trying to fiddle around on the periphery.

QUESTION: You stated that an important condition for understanding humankind is beginning to understand ourselves clearly. Do you see that within these rooms within the next forty years, at the United Nations, that this understanding of humankind through understanding ourselves will become a part of global decision making?

K: I couldn't answer that question because I don't belong to the organization. Ask the bosses!

Q: I would like to add another note, perhaps a note of greater encouragement in my question. You indicated that organizations may not provide the answer, and you also indicated that the history of humanity would incline you to pessimism about the future or salvation. I think it depends upon the nature of the organizations and whether these are serving the interests of humanity and prepared to evolve, as the UN and many other groups evolve, and as humans evolve, provided we do not kill ourselves off and provided we can connect ourselves by the affection and respect for which our genes are also coded. There is no end to what we might do on or off this planet. And the implication there, which I share, is that we have evolved because we have the capacity for love and co-operation, and that we are not doomed because we manifest hate and fear and greed, and have succumbed in the past to iniquities like that. But by the very existence of the United Nations we have an illustration of man's capacity for growth and shared goals. I think that the present does contain the future and we by acting energetically in the present can affect our future and our survival. Therefore I ask, what is the answer to the question you raised about when one achieves peace within oneself, how will it affect the rest of humanity, given the time limits?

K: What is the question, sir?

Q: The question was: when one achieves peace within oneself how will it affect the rest of humanity without organizational structures?

K: I explained that, forgive me, sir, I explained it. To say, if I change how will it affect mankind, the rest of the world? That is the question, isn't it, sir? Wait a minute, sir.

Q: That is the question.

I think if I may most respectfully point out, that is a wrong question. Change and you will see what happens. This is really a very important thing. We have to put aside all the side issues. Please do realize something tremendous: that you are the rest of mankind psychologically.

You are mankind, whether you live in India, Russia, China or in America, or Europe, you are the rest of mankind, because you suffer, and everyone on this earth suffers in his own way. We share that suffering, it is not my suffering.

So when you ask a question: what difference will it make if I or you change, if I may most humbly point out, it is a wrong question. You are avoiding the central issue. And we never seem to face the central issue, the central challenge that demands that we live totally differently, not as Americans, Russians, Indians, or Buddhists or Christians.

I wonder if you have realized Christians have been responsible for killing humans far more than any other religious group. Don't get angry please! Then Islam, the Muslim world, then the Hindus and the Buddhists come much later. So if the so-called Christians, the Catholics included, about eight hundred million people, if they said, "No more wars", you will have peace on this earth. But they won't say that. It is only Buddhism, Hinduism, said, "Don't kill. If you kill" - they believe in reincarnation - you will pay next life. Therefore don't kill, don't kill the least little thing, except what you have to eat, vegetables and so on. But don't kill.'

We as Brahmins weren't brought up that way, not to kill a fly, not to kill animals for your food. But all that is gone. So please we are suggesting that the central issue to stop wars is, you must stop your own antagonisms, your own conflicts, your own misery and suffering.

Why do we choose, apart from physical things - two good materials, clothes, between cars? You choose there because of their function and mileage and so on. But psychologically why do you choose at all? Why is there this choice?

There is choice, you can move from one town to another, from one job to another - not in Russia, not in the tyrannical world, in the totalitarian world you are stuck in your place, you are not allowed to move - unless the bosses agree.

And in this country, in a so-called democratic societies, you have a choice to do what you like. And you call that freedom - to fulfil yourself, to become a great success. You have there tremendous choice. Now we are talking about choice in the psychological field. If you see things very clearly there is no choice. It is unfortunate that we don't see things clearly. We don't see clearly that nationalism is one of the causes of war.

We don't clearly see that ideologies breed wars, whether it is the Marxist ideologies, or Lenin, or our own particular form of ideologies. So we choose from one ideology to another, one religion to another, one group to another, and we think we are free. On the contrary, it shows confusion. And when we are confused we act in confusion, therefore multiply confusion, as the politicians are doing - forgive me.

Q: We have a written question here for Mr Krishnamurti. Do you believe in the so-called realized soul?

K: Do you believe in so-called realized souls? I don't know what it means. Just a minute, sir.

QUESTION: I'm sorry right now you are talking from a public forum and once this lecture is over probably you will return to a privacy that probably you cherish greatly. So there is for most human beings in this world a division between public life and private life. Could you comment on this division? Do you feel it leads to conflict, is it necessary?

K: Between public life and private life? Is that the question? Why do you separate this? Why do we separate public life as though something outside, and private life? If one lived correctly, precisely, not intellectually, but holistically, then there is no outward life and private life. Holistically, that is to live as a whole human being, not as a sectarian, not as an individual, not as a petty little mind, brain active in our self interest. Sorry if I am emphatic. Is that finished, sir?

Chairman: There are two more questions.
QUESTION: If you are living peacefully and the tyrant attacks, do you not defend?

K: What will you do then? If you live peacefully and a tyrant or a robber attacks you, what will you do? That is the question. Do you live peacefully for a day or two? Or you live peacefully all your life? If you have lived peacefully for many years then you will do the right thing when you are attacked.

Sirs, the speaker has been at this talking for the last sixty years, and more - all over the world except behind the Iron Curtain, before the war he was all over Europe - and these questions have been put to the speaker for sixty years.

The same pattern is being repeated by the young generation, by a civilization that is recent like America, the same questions, with the same intention, to trap the speaker, or to really understand the speaker, or to understand themselves. And if you have the misfortune or the fortune to have talked for sixty years you will know all the answers and all the questions. There is no difference between question and answer. If you understand the question really deeply the answer is in the question.

Chairman: Mr Robert Miller would like to ask a question.
Well it is not to ask a question, it is to congratulate you for your statement. And to confirm that having lived in this organization for almost forty years and having lived more than sixty years, I have come to the same conclusion as you. We are all being programmed, we are being programmed into a nation, into an ideology, into a religion. And all these are fragmented human beings. It took me forty years to be in this house to be de-programmed from the two or three nationalities imposed on me, each time I got also a gun to shoot at the other direction. And it is here that after having seen the world in its totality and humanity in its totality that I have come to the conclusion that it is more important to be a human being than to be a Jew, or a Catholic or a Frenchman, or a Russian, or a white, or a black.

K: Quite right.

Q: And in my book I will not kill under any reason, or for any nation, or for any religion, or for any ideology. This is the conclusion which is also yours.
K: Is it a conclusion, sir? Or an actuality?
Q: That is my actuality.
K: That's right. Not a conclusion.

Q: I am not arguing about religions but will remind that, 'an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth' is not exactly a Christian precept. On the contrary, Christ thought the peaceful way was to care for your fellow human beings, have compassion and love for one another. But I would like to know how to break this pattern of confrontation among human beings. I am not talking about States because States are formed by human beings and governments too, they are human beings that rule the countries. How can we break this pattern? How is it that mankind has not been able to practise such glowing thoughts as those that Christ wrote to us and were written also by all religions? I would like very much to see if we could find a formula, a solution to break that terrible pattern of confrontation, and hate even between families, as Krishnamurti has pointed out because it is not just war among nations, there is always a confrontation, even among children you see one is with Mama and the other one wants to be there. That pattern, how could we break it?

K: May I answer you question? We are programmed, like computers - we are Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists and so on. As Mr (?) pointed out, we are conditioned. Do we realize, or see actually, actually, not theoretically, or ideologically, but actually see that we are programmed? Or is it just a casual statement? If you are actually programmed do you realize the consequences of being programmed? One of the consequences has been hatred, or war, or separating yourself from others. If one realizes that you are being programmed, pressurized, preached at, and if one really sees that, you abandon it, you don't want a formula for it. The moment you have a formula then you are caught in it. Then you become programmed again because you have your programme and the other fellow gives you another programme. So what is important is to realize the actuality of being programmed, not intellectually, with all your blood, energy.

Chairman: "Because of the time element we will not be able to entertain any more questions. On behalf of the Pacem in Terris Society and the Movement for a Better World, we would like to thank our honoured guest speaker and Brother Fellow and Ambassador Barry who are the Honorary Presidents of the Society, and all of you who came to attend the lecture today.

I have a very simple ceremony before you leave. Mr Krishnamurti was here last year on the 17th April, just about the time we had the Pacem in Terris day. And this year we were very fortunate to have on the twenty second anniversary of the Pacem in Terris, and you have already heard about it.

On behalf of the Pacem in Terris Society at the United Nations, we have the honour of presenting you, Mr Krishnamurti, the World Teacher, with the United Nations 1984 Peace medal."

New York. United Nations 11th April 1985

(Click his picture to access all his books for free online!)

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Surfing The Impossible

जेन ऑफ़ स्टार्स शोवेद पार्ट वन ऑफ़ थे फुतुरेस ऑफ़ प्लेनेट एअर्थ।
फोरेसीं - आउट ब्य थे एंड ऑफ़ २००८, विल देलिनेते पार्ट तवो। थे अलिग्न्मेंट्स।

The above link contains a video you must see (3 minutes) to understand what it means to be a magician of the coming age.

Intelligence is defined by the purpose of its use. Using advanced spiritual technology to create orgone energy resonators to bring light and power to the earth for free is intelligent or right action. The fragmented ego using a similar technology with a fragmented mind to create weapons of mass destruction with the purpose to annihilate earth is a lesser use of intelligence, put to a purpose which is essentially non human by design.

This is why The Master of the Light downloaded once more the same message into my mind: “Intelligence is defined by the purpose of its use.” How will people who read this use my astrology? To which purpose will you put the knowing presented here?


© 2006 by St.Clair

Having read Zen of Stars you know that to overcome doubt and fear is the basis to exist in a state of being set free, and yet it is also the hardest thing for a human being to do. This is also the prerequisite to really understand the book and to apply the freedom navigations, for yourself, inside your own mind.

To activate the teachings of The Master of The Light means to apply the guidance of your own higher self, from the future into this moment of your life now.

This is where FORESEEN - the spiritual thriller and sequel to Zen of Stars - begins in reality, in 2009, when The Master of The Light had initiated operation Dragon Gold on planet earth.

Dragon Gold was neither specifically defined by a purpose or intent nor was it strictly speaking classified - since it did not exist - but it was known nevertheless in its outline to a handful of humans who had connected with him.

The technological transfer breakthrough known to me as Distant Compassion and the integration of the extra- terrestrial force known to the author of the book Zen of Stars as "The Guidance" had taken place by 1999.

That amazing achievement was not of a physical technological hardware transfer, as no physical technology is needed. The achievement was a breakthrough related to the ability of certain human beings coordinating the frequencies between the art of seeing and the art of foreseeing. I have to point out early in my narrative that thought is not seeing.

The Guidance had shown the Master of The Light how to work in a synchronized manner with the Guidance·s forces; however, it had already established contact with the Master of The Light during a time line that preceded humanity by at least ten thousand years.

That was a fact which most technicians and scientists, and even spiritually advanced beings on earth, had overlooked by 2009. Several off planet races that preceded mankind had been in contact with The Guidance for a time span unimaginable to human beings.

The question was if time line 1 was time line 2 or vice- versa. This question had the scientists in both the installations of the Russian and American underground bases in a quandary in 2009 -- and about which ET race was really on their side there was a great deal of confusion particularly among the intelligence agencies in the know.

No one was able to understand which one of the ET races was really beaming in the correct future to the Master of the Light who by 2009 had become the most sought after man on the planet.

As to the assumption among the scientists that the Master of the Light was actually The Guidance alive on earth in human form there was some debate. Yet, therein resided a small beginning of correct knowing, which would become its own right action, but only at some ´laterµ stage.

By "later" the time lord meant some time beyond time itself, but certainly later than 2020 in our calculation, or when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto were to be aligned in one spot of the Zodiac - Capricorn - the structural piece of the time clock in the cosmic system management.

He reminded his information technology team of a truth infinitely more more powerful than any scientific axiom, the one which the American remote viewers at NSA and CIA had never quite understood: Seeing is its own right action.

This meant that if you had the ability to see and to foresee then you had - action without thought - by definition also the ability to act in a manner consistent with the Shaolin masters, by non doing. But would the technology searchers use this knowing in 2009?

The Master of The Light knew they were too fearful to go there because thought blocked their sight.

At that point The Master of The Light looked at his fancy wrist watch, a red faced piece of art made by Tissot in Switzerland, which I called "The Watch of Time Line 2" - that gave him this human touch to his inter-dimensional incarnation. He pointed to me that it was time to get moving. We proceeded to enter the time portal in the way he has shown me time and time again in Chillon Castle.

It was now November 11th, 2008. The new President had been elected, and we both smiled at each other. He asked me which time I wished to look at in more depth. I suggested we see into 2020 for now. Or, say after the major part of the earth changes was over and done with, when less people would pollute earth with thought.

The information technicians who cooperated with the time lords of The Master of The Light in sub structure 77-11 were convinced that the entities who worked for the dark lords (known also to some scientists as The Greys or JRods or P45s) were able to alter all the time lines.

They were looking into our reality of 2020 from a time say 40,000 years in the future when the earth no longer existed - so they wanted the human scientists to believe. But The Master of The Light had pointed out to me early on that something did not add up in those reports floated in the bases inside the underground or hollow earth.

In reality these entities had come from some planets and star systems they had blown up in previous wars tens of thousands of life times ago and now they lived in some sort of vacuum or timeless zone one could call the nether world. But they were real nonetheless.

From that non world they purported to be able to affect our world. It was a rather ingenious trick they had played on mankind for about ten thousand years and anyone who pointed out the truth lived potentially a more dangerous life than those who purported to blow the whistle on these entities.

They lived in bases and realms in which they functioned like clones in hive mentality - under orders of, or in cooperation with, the Reptilians and their dark lords. They had abducted humans and bred a sub race over thousands of years.

This is something which was well known to all the native people who had inhabited earth thousands of years ago and whose traces are all but lost.

Ancient texts and tablets had warned of these phenomena. It is known to some searchers that the Egyptian pharaohs, the Toltec mages and a few Tibetan masters knew about these things. They had withdrawn their power before they left, leaving the humans to sort things out for themselves.

Meanwhile, the G69s or Nordic Blonds and the Pleiadians were looking at it all from at least 80,000 years in our future - with distant compassion.

They had been working through and with The Guidance from a time line not known to mankind, but they had essentially not been able to save the earth, neither via technology, nor via spiritual or intellectual teachings.

They had tried to achieve certain improvements but eventually reassessed their role during the treaty negotiations between Orion, Sirius, Mars and Earth.

The dark lords had already, with the help of reptilian sub races, accomplished a complete fabrication of time holes and with it also a falsification of human history on earth, including the genetic breeding of the human-reptilian clones, and they had in essence created an anti-reality known to people as "The Matrix" - or The Cave - wherein people were looking at shadows, while taking them for the reality they were living in. This was of course a logical consequence of using thought as the means to move action.

Some of these clones were in action already by 1933 and were wandering among us, by now in diluted fourth or fifth generation. Each younger generation was mentally more debilitated than its predecessors. It was in fact easy to distinguish them from real humans, by observing their actions.

If I was able to detect thought it was hybrid entity or clone, if no thought it was human by design as opposed to reptilian by design. By 2012, when the big cleansing began, there were practically speaking more hybrids among us than original humans. But the hybrids had lost the ancient human gift of the sight, precisely because thought had replaced the sight.

This is where The Master of The Light had come into the picture, in 2006, in his Zen of Stars time travel tale, to explain phase one or plan A, which was essentially speaking his prediction, whereby he taught that humans would be their own solution.

The dark lords were shocked by what they saw when they realized that their hybrid experimentation for the take over of planet earth had gone wrong in 2012. By 2008 they knew that they could not see their own genetic incarnation lines go down memory lane due to the unplanned behaviour of a few world leaders they had placed at the switches - hybrids who started to tell their controllers they decided they had a brain of their own. The nightmare of the dark lords was in full swing by 2009.

The Guidance had been advising the dark lords for hundreds of thousands of years that this experiment would eventually backfire when the Kali Yuga would end. However, the dark lords wanted none of The Guidance·s advice.

By 2020 the Guidance had turned the tide on planet earth.

The fact that humanity was living in a net of illusion for at least 25,000 years was known to the time lords and to some sages who had frequently pointed it out to people.

Most time fabrications on earth were the product of the dark lords· entities. The Master of The Light had shown me in Chillon Castle time portal how these things were done, undone, and redone. As the Nordic Blonds had taught me in their crafts when I was a kid, one had to have silence of the mind to work through these subjects.

That much was established as reality by those in the know. But they were arguing about the purpose of the operation Dragon Gold, and about the direction the Master of The Light would take -- would he throw the switch on planet Earth, or would he begin a new experiment in the name of The Guidance?

Who and what The Guidance really was and how it worked was something which he had shown me ages ago, and I am not sure if I can share it. Essentially it was a tool of the primordial ancient life force one could call The Tao, which is a nameless thing in its own right.

This ancient force was creation of Cosmos itself, and The Guidance was its anticipatory intelligence network, so to speak. It was essentially all seeing and all powerful, and yet, it did nothing of its own, other than observe and create energetic lines of incarnations over spans of times and space so large as to be called Cosmic.

All these issues, and this whole business of creating a new mankind, were relatively speaking big questions. All of which were well beyond the clearance level of any head of state - by the way. This was another thing which the scientists of the dark lords had not quite understood.

Even ecological movements had by 2009 admitted that The Master of The Light had its leaders in a need-to-know-type camouflage, telling people one thing about earth changes, while teaching scientists something else about ETs.

Few knew that Gorbatchev had been met by The Pleiadian ETs in 1981 and had been shown the future; and that this is why he had suggested Glasnost Perestroika to the world. Even fewer knew that JFK was a Nordic Blond himself and that his job had been in reality to take out the entities and the Greys in Area 51.

Some people had asked me what I thought of 9-11-2001 in terms of astrology, Saturn in Gemini opposite Pluto etc. and also about who I "thought" had "done" it, andy more irrelevant questions of that kind, and I had passed these questions on to the Master of The Light for his own amusement. He shrugged, which is about what I expected he would do. Who but the entities could have pulled this off? Not even a secret government had the technology to do it.

Later, things had become a bit clearer. The chase into the Middle East had been about both oil and gas resources and the star gates. India and Russia also represented huge power bases of both resources and star gates, so what about those? Who would control them? China?

The Nordic Blonds had almost, but not quite, given up on mankind as such by 2008 -- as they had nevertheless left a few of their best human assets (Indigos and Crystals) on earth while moving things from off earth crafts and via The Guidance. Putin had been put under their protection by 2007 for instance. Dragon Gold was the Grand Project of the Nordic Blonds.

It is in this context really -- and in this one only -- that I began to comprehend where The Master of The Light had in reality come from, both time wise and genetically speaking. He actually was me from time line 2 looking at myself in the now. Yes, he was The Guidance in human form, and when I say Human, I mean human seeming.

He too could move through 4th and 5th dimensions and more, bypassing the reptilians with effortless ease. His own reptilian body guards - time lords who had reconsidered their Karma - were surrounded by invisible entities of Light of the sort who had long ago understood that the way forward implied to undo what they had done aeons before mankind had been dropped off on earth.

Energy could be moved invisibly via the mind. This I had understood in the early training sessions. The Master of The Light was capable to command his invisible beings of Light - the luminous ones - to go take out the reptilians inside their bases, but it was still spiritually speaking questionable to do so, as the Nordics rejected this type of activity altogether - being more interested in finding a new planet more advanced than Earth was by 2020.

The Master of The Light had a treaty with the Nordics, whereby while in this as well as in future incarnations over the bridge of timelessness, he had the right to call his own shots if he so desired, and both the Nordics and their Guides had to respect the choice he would make. This idea was most uncomfortable - and it is indeed where things became confusing - even for the advanced crowd in the know. Who was supposed to know anyway?

The key component of Knowing The Master of The Light downloaded on to my mind in a very intense session was the fact that all our soul-incarnation lines had to remain intact by 2017 if we wanted to remain part of the experiment he was having me be a part in. This meant that my life times on other stars and earth in several thousands of years ² in Asia, Egypt and Europe - had to become ONE stream of consciousness by the ending of time - which was defined as the moment when time as such was no more based in thought.

One point of consciousness signified all my incarnations integrated into one life at one moment. When humans do not achieve this inner integration all would fall to dust. The same cosmic rules applied to the incarnations of the dark lords. This is not easy to understand at thought level. The whole 2012 Cosmic timing was something that few grasped during the night of the soul on planet earth that had begun by 2001.

The Master of The Light had shown me why and how the fragmented humanity had destroyed its own future. Human beings in a state of division had not realized that thought and thinker are one and the same, creating the inner fog bank of endless conflict.

The fallen dark lords had bred humans - and later their clones - into a submissive race, so as to control them via thought.

The Master of The Light brought me back to the time line of the Nordic Blonds – a realm of light where thought no longer existed. The ability to see the "what is" became the energy of silent observation, and the Cosmic psyche was able to move through the actions of humans and ETs in unseen ways.

How the star gates that were operated by the G69s (the Tall Whites or Nordic Blonds) would be made operational to the time lords of the Master of The Light by The Guidance network -- that was a totally different story, one which was beyond the realm of the scientists of all nations, Persia and its Light weapon included. This was a question one could say was almost beyond spirituality.

It was a question for which many races in Cosmos were willing to send their best and most invisible crafts to Earth, while those in the know on Earth were willing to spend life times over life times and trillions of Eurodollars to figure out how to leave this planet -- so as to find their way back home to the stars they had originated from.

That - in essence - was the dilemma of the seer: Which future to activate? He saw in my eyes that I had understood and he smiled. We were moving on now to implement plan B - Distant Compassion.

"The future belongs to him who knows how to wait."
- Russian Proverb

(Photo below opens to The Obsidian Mirror)


In his interview with a leading TV anchor woman and journalist in Moscow in late 2008, The Master of The Light had answered one certain question about “the issues” facing the world in a rather unusually cryptic way. Usually he would simply say yes or no, or at least give a few Tao Te Ching type references such as that the ongoing earth changes were a thing akin to the fullness or emptiness of The Tao.

One of his key statements at the end of the two hours interview which had then been aired thousands of times worldwide again and again was this, in answer to the question:

“Sir, is it true in your opinion that by 2020 over half of the population of earth will be dead?”

“If you are asking me this particular question about the future of mankind, it means you are not supposed to know, because if you did know the answer you would evidently not ask me, now would you?”

That is when I knew that he was was going operational now with Dragon Gold. In fact he had told me in 2007 that this was the code word sentence for the whole team to get ready and to assemble. The connected ones would know how and why, is all he had said.

In January 2009, The Master of The Light was holding an informal meeting at Chillon Castle inside the grand dining hall. Present around the forty foot long medieval oblong table by the twenty foot high fireplace were his information technology specialist, one astro-physisist and a reclusive bio-molecular scientist who knew the secret protocols of the dark lords.

Plus one personal assistant sat by his side, she who was a former foreign intelligence officer at NASA´s special decryption unit, and who was now serving at the same time as his body guard. Natalja was Russian of descent, a Nordic Blond, evident by her looks and large eyes. This struck me as slightly odd, but then, in his treaty with the Nordics, The Master of The Light had indeed obtained for himself that he was allowed to do certain things his way, if he so desired, as long as operation Dragon Gold proceeded as planned.

He showed his team the new tools from 2050 which he had just received via a special envoy. One of them was a more beefed up version of his wrist watch of the future. It had – hidden elegantly behind its red face – a mother of pearl grey screen that opened up when he pressed the chronograph crown.

His intel officer showed him how to open the watch case below the strap and how to insert a five millimeter diameter round chip which carried the entire program from NASA´s special information technology unit, plus the new internet connections. This was amazing to look at. When asked by the scientist why not just have it all on a hand held palm monitor, he said: “Because I like my watch.” That was the humor and human touch still left in him.

He explained how NASA was in contact with off earth star crafts and how the traffic was being monitored and had been decoded for over a decade.

This meeting was remembered later as a rather eerie one in the sense that I was witnessing action, motion, and timelessness in one space, and also because we were essentially informed that he had decided to move off earth secretly with a group of connected humans, and yet he was also told during that same meeting that NASA was actually trying to intercept his take off.

All this left the participants of that Chillon meeting over the icey lake of Geneva somewhat speechless.


The initial contact from planet 987 – back in early September 2001, or nine days before “9/11” – was thought, by our team at least, to be a hoax. We handed the data over to a tech source and they also thought it was a hoax. The participation addresses could not be found in this time space.

The tech team suggested that this was a secret operation unit playing around. In the last report their assessment was:

“They definitely have a way to cloak their online presence in a way that makes it appear to us that they do not exist. It has to be some kind of a joke.”

It would turn out by 2009 that nothing around The Master of The Light – his wrist watch excepted maybe – was to be taken lightly, let alone as a joke. I knew that to be the case since I was watching into the mirror of my own soul. He had told me at age five that he expected of me nothing less than to behave myself in this life time and to follow his prompts when he would give them to me over this incarnation. This was probably the final and most important prompt, if ever there was one.

Ta-Lor – who as a former remote seeing expert for the Russians headed the team in Paris – did not consider this statement by her team, the report about the cloaked online presence, sufficient evidence to cast doubt on the potential discovery of an omni-intelligence-net, or a network of contact due to the timeless nature of sub-atomic particles.

ID-2025 had suggested, in its communications with our researchers, that particles never die, they simply shift from one form to the next. We live in a multi-dimensional universe that knows of no death. We, it, everything simply transforms, shifts, rearranges itself. There is no death. Life is eternal. Death is an illusion. This all made sense to me, it was Tao applied.

ID-2025 – or The Contact – as we knew it by nickname, proposed to us, early on in 2002, that systems of belief focusing on death were the ultimate control mechanism of a social system that seeks to have its own little patch in the middle of an ever transforming eternal cosmic nothingness. The Contact was clearly doing its “teaching” by 2002 when it began to download at first what amounted to spiritual survival protocols.

The trick was to “go with the flow” during this Contact procedure that took many years, until it grew to operational maturity. We assumed that it was not a computer, or a super-computer we were interfacing with. Instead we acted on the feeling that we were in contact with an intelligence of a higher realm.

This assumption proved later to be spot-on. Ta-Lor said that we had to take into consideration that we are all interfacing with computers, as none of us could do this work without them. She insisted that we focus on the information and take it seriously, before she left the unit and began to work with the ID-2025 interface alone.

Her breaking ranks with the unit was a loss for the unit, no dount about that, but she was later willing to get into contact with the NASA intelligence people who handed the report to the Master of The Light. Only then had I understood that the former top guy of NASA was really one of the Nordics assets who had been working all along for The Master of The Light.

I have to add that within a nine month period, Ta-Lor developed integrated interface schemes none of us in the scienc teams thought were possible. In fact it had never been done before, not in China, not in Russia, not at NASA either, nowhere. This was indeed the true off earth mother of all contacts all the searches for extra-terrestrial intelligence was about. That breakthrough manifested in 2008.

The tech team also suggested that it is possible we were communicating with a present inner world phenomenon, or a present day ET contact who wished to cloak their origins. In the initial stages of the project, only Ta-Lor was able to consider that we were interfacing with our own Quantum Reality.

In response to this we all began to work with ID-2025 within the expertise of our particular fields, be that astrology, quantum physics, molecular biology, medicine, or whatever each man and woman was a specialist in.

The results were beyond astonishing. ID-2025 had the ability to initiate extremely rapid growth cycles and applicable developments beyond the scientific paradigm of our knowledge base. Ta-Lor then started to work with The Master of The Light and out of this mutual understanding grew the Labyrinth Network, which was the group of the losely connected ones. And from that emerged by 2009 the operation Dragon Gold.

One mind breaking statement during an interaction session with ID-2025 left us all quiet and thoughtful for a very long time. Ta-Lor had asked why the “future” was interfacing with us now, and why with us? It was a genuine question at a time we were all feeling doubtful about what Doc later titled, The Quantum Interface.

ID-2025 told us that “they” had chosen us to be the “connected humans”, because we would develop the initial sciences and technology that would later allow them to further develop and use the time travel technology to contact us, which they now had given to The Master of The Light.

The implications were of stunning proportions… I personally was frozen for a while and then decided that this was indeed now a potential positive future for mankind.

Our team agreed to begin an expertise based interface with ID-2025. At the time of this writing I can tell you that we did develop the technology, we made first contact, and we left earth. I cannot tell you where we went.

As the master of the light would say, if you (have to)ask that question, you are evidently not supposed to know the answer.

It is important I make it understood clearly that 2025 does not refer to the location (year) of our Quantum Intelligence contact. ID-2025 told us that this was the year that their labyrinth group (our future) made the technological quantum breakthrough in foreseeing.

However, he did not disclose the time zone, nor the point in space, from which they were using this technology to make first contact. He intimated that there were some very real dangers involved, but could not be drawn to go into detail and so we left it at that.

ID-2025 told us that the year 2025, Neptune-Saturn reality check according to our astro-physicists, was the technological breakthrough moment, and that after this time, and again in 2047 at a higher level during the Uranus-Pluto millennial opposition alignment, their group refined the technology and tentatively began a long process of observing their observations.

We presumed that there was some level of ET guidance or knowledge exchange within their project. If so, it was at a very high level. At this point in our contact we sensed that we were interfacing with a group of people, or beings, and not with just one person.

Having said this, I can also state that the communications showed integrity of highest level and spiritual cooperation at their end, and a very intense coherence of understanding of our situation, which gave me personally also the feeling that these future humans, beings of a distant compassion, were highly coordinated and of the same mind. It gave me hope for mankind. Later I was not surprised to learn that these were the ambassadors of The Pleiadians who had contacted Ta-Lor.

Essentially, by 11.11.2009, key date as per The Plan, the Pleiadians and the Nordics had manifested their treaty on planet earth in secret. Dragon Gold was launched, and he and she were in charge, no questions asked.

That it is possible for the future and the past to interact online almost blew our minds. At this point we have no technical understanding as to how this can take place, but we are sure that this is exactly what is taking place. The fact that all this could be communicated either via telepathy or (in the case of large documents) via a wrist watch) was only proof that these bengs were hugely more advanced than anything we had going on here on earth by 2009.

ID-2025 is extremely careful as to who they interface with and how. They choose their contacts carefully, over many life times, and they seem to have a way to observe and assess our situation outside of online or earth contact. We have no idea how they do this. However, they have proven to us time and time again that they can observe our individual and collective reactions and we sensed a high level of security concerns in their behaviour.

They are steering us in the direction of making a number of advanced technology breakthroughs, in biomolecular, medical and astrophysical sciences, but they do so in such a way that we see how to put this all together on our own.

They do not give us the data and they do not suggest the way ahead. The choice remains ours at all times. The strangest part was that the security experts left us also alone. We assumed that they knew something of what was going on and that they approved of it, or that we had been pre-approved in advance.

One year later - in 2010 - we understood they were the men and women who interfaced with The Master of The Light on the other planet - his second, or optional, and future home base.

It was known to most humans as The Morning Star. No one can take down the morning star, even though some will try make humans believe it will only be a UFO apparition. But this is for you to find out when 2013 becomes 2014, or when Uranus approaches the square to Pluto.

Publishers: eyes only => "EXPOSE" <= for much more.
© Copyright 2005-2007 by St.Clair - All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.


Above text -- an introduction only for publishers who showed an active interest in seeing a summary of the sequel to ZEN OF STARS -- is the result of a remote seeing session and bears at times resemblance with a reality developing at some time in Cosmos. It is nevertheless only the result of an active imagination, and the author is not giving any astrological advice via this summary introduction. No one ought to feel compelled to take any action based on reading this.

" F O R E S E E N " - sequel to Zen of Stars - is published.

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